4 facts about Real Madrid after 45 games this season.. video

team continued real madrid The Spaniard, a series of positive results after beating Getafe 2-0 in the match that brought them together yesterday, Saturday, in the 31st round of the La Liga competition.

Real Madrid raised its score to 72 points at the top of the Spanish league standings for the current season 2021-2022.

Real Madrid also put forward in the Champions League semi-finals, after beating Chelsea 3-1 in the first leg of the Champions League quarter-finals at Stamford Bridge, before the return leg scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, at the Santiago Bernabeu.

We review 4 facts recorded by the Spanish team Real Madrid, after playing 45 games this season so far, as follows..

Best rate of wins in games since the 2013/2014 season.

Lowest game loss rate since the 2016/2017 season.

Most goals scored since the 2017-2018 season.

Fewer goals conceded since the 2015/16 season.

Real Madrid is looking forward to winning the Spanish League title this season, and competing for the Champions League title, which has been absent from the royal coffers since the 2018 season.

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