4 Egyptian No’s: Egypt’s Rejection of Israel’s Administration of Gaza

2023-11-10 02:34:31

The Egyptian refusal to displace the Palestinians and liquidate the Palestinian cause, along with the rejection of the administration of Israel or Egypt or the international presence in Gaza, came to represent “four Egyptian no’s” and define Cairo’s lines in the current crisis.

High-ranking Egyptian sources confirmed to Sky News Arabia that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi informed CIA Director William Burns on Tuesday of Egypt’s rejection of Israel’s administration of Gaza, as well as the offer of Egyptian administration of the Strip, and the presence of NATO forces or foreign forces inside the Strip. .

4 Egyptian no’s

Dr. Gamal Salama, Dean of the Faculty of Political Science at Suez Canal University and an expert on Middle East affairs, says: “If we are dealing with Egyptian noes similar to the three noes at the Khartoum Conference in 1967, then the Egyptian position rejecting the liquidation of the Palestinian issue is a categorical and historically consistent position.”

Salama added in an interview with Sky News Arabia that Egypt’s motives for refusing to displace Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt or any other country is “this step’s threat to Egyptian national security and the final liquidation of the Palestinian cause.”

Regarding Egypt’s rejection of the offer to administer Gaza, Salama explained:

• The Egyptian presence in Gaza is rejected by Cairo, because the resistance will not end, and Egypt will not accept curbing the resistance if it is present in the Strip.

• Attempts to curb the resistance are tantamount to hostility towards the entire Palestinian people and an attack on their right to liberate their land.

• Israel will not enjoy security unless the Palestinians obtain their rights in accordance with international legitimacy, most notably Resolutions 242, 191 and 181.

Israel’s refusal to manage the Strip

Salama confirms that Egypt and the United States agree to reject the Israeli presence in the Gaza Strip, and explains this by saying:

• The American rejection of Israel’s presence in Gaza reflects a major shift in American discourse despite the great support for Israel.

• The Israeli presence poses a threat to Egyptian national security, and Egypt rejects this presence in anticipation of forced or forced displacement from Gaza.

• According to the development of the intermittent ground operations, I do not think that matters will reach the stage of full Israeli presence in Gaza.

• If Hamas is affected at the leadership level, following the war, it will remain present at the grassroots level.

• Scenarios of the Egyptian, Arab, international, or Israeli presence in Gaza are theoretical theses that will not be accepted unless the Palestinians who own the issue are part of it.

Conflict resolution

According to the sources who spoke to Sky News Arabia, President Sisi informed the director of the CIA that Egypt does not see a solution to the current conflict except with a two-state solution and the Palestinians obtaining their rights in an independent state on the borders of June 4, 1967.

Regarding this point, Ambassador Mohamed El-Shazly, former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, said in an interview with Sky News Arabia:

The Egyptian position on the Palestinian issue and on the current crisis is a principled and basic position that was announced early.

Egypt is interested in preserving and protecting the Palestinian people within their land and while exercising their right to liberate their land and self-determination.

– No Israeli administration of Gaza following the end of the war is a principled position on Egypt’s part, because presenting such a scenario takes the Palestinian issue back 30 years, and to before the signing of the Oslo Accords.

– Israel is the one that bears responsibility for spoiling the formula for self-rule in Gaza and the West Bank that was reached in Oslo.

– The crisis began to worsen with Israel in the West Bank with the attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque and abuse of the Palestinians, then matters deteriorated with the current events in Gaza.

Al-Shazly explained that the Egyptian administration’s scenario in Gaza takes everyone back to 1948, and this is not logical. He continued, saying:

– Egyptian national security extends to the borders, and is organically linked to the security of the region. If the latter is exposed to turmoil, it will have an impact on Egypt.

– If there was an Egyptian administration for Gaza, it would certainly be better than the Israeli administration, but it would not solve the crisis.

The Palestinians are fighting to achieve their freedom and independence, and this is what they must be helped with. The solution to the current crisis begins with granting the Palestinians their rights.

Al-Shazly considered that the United States is presenting scenarios for the future, even though it has lost its position as a sponsor of peace in the region, with its strong bias towards Israel in the current war.

He stressed that “the ceasefire does not end the current crisis because there are war crimes committed by Israel that should not pass.”

He pointed out that “it is not right that the reward for reaching a truce is to allow some aid to pass through and that is enough. Rather, Israel must be held accountable for the war crimes it committed.”

Al-Sisi had warned of the continuation of the Israeli attacks on Gaza, and stressed that this would not lead to the elimination of Hamas or the resistance factions, but it would lead to civilian casualties.

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