4 – Defense Express told how the DPRK manages to manufacture such weapons — UNIAN

Analysts consider two versions, thanks to which North Korea can manufacture such equipment.

According to experts, Bulsae-4 has quite interesting characteristics / UNIAN collage, screenshot, pixabay photo

Currently, information regarding the use by Russia of the North Korean self-propelled Bulsae-4 anti-tank system at the front has not yet been confirmed. However, analysts Defense Express believe that the appearance of such weapons at the disposal of the Russian army is expected.

It is known that a photo appeared on the network in which this self-propelled complex was allegedly captured and it was noted that it was spotted on the border with Kharkiv region.

Later it even appeared video, where the use of this complex was allegedly recorded. And the enemy allegedly managed to use the Bulsae-4 to hit the British AS-90, which was firing from a position prepared and protected from kamikaze drones.

“But on the part of Defense Express, we should note that this video was published on March 3 of this year. That is, it does not show the use of the Bulsae-4. But in any case, the appearance of the Bulsae-4 at the disposal of the Russian army is to some extent expected. Because in Russian Federation talks about this self-propelled complex began as early as September 2023 against the background of active rapprochement between Moscow and Pyongyang and the Russians’ hopes for weapons from the DPRK,” the experts assured.

According to analysts, Bulsae-4 has quite interesting characteristics. The DPRK claims a launch range of more than 10 km, and allegedly, which is hardly possible, up to 25 km. The complex works in the NLOS mode, that is, outside the line of sight.

“Such a mode is ensured by a system that was completely borrowed from the Israeli Spike-NLOS. The missile is equipped with a camera, the image from which is transmitted through an optical fiber to the operator, who already guides the missile by controlling it, in fact, like an FPV drone,” – they add material

Defense Express examines two options for how North Korea obtained such technologies. The first version – Hezbollah fighters captured Spike samples back in the mid-2000s, which became the basis not only for the Bulsae-4, but also for the Iranian Almas-type ATGM, which in the Almas-3 version has a range of 10 km.

The second version, particularly in South Korea, is considering copying the Chinese HJ-10 in the AFT-10 version with a fiber optic cable and a range of up to 10 km. For the first time, such a model was demonstrated at exercises in 2014.

“And the existence of Bulsae-4 became known in 2016, but as part of the helicopter complex on the Mi-2. In 2018, a version on a 6×6 chassis was demonstrated, which received the Western designation Bulsae-4 M-2018. And in 2022, and on light chassis – Bulsae-4 M-2022. There is no information about such parameters as armor penetration. But it is possible to cite the capabilities of the AFT-10, which has a cumulative warhead of up to 1400 mm. At the same time, the actual need for ammunition power is insignificant due to the fact that the target is attacked from above,” analysts believe.

Defense Express added that Russia does not have similar ATGMs with similar attack capabilities in the NLOS mode, as the main anti-tank missile system of the aggressor country is Kornet, which has a laser path guidance mode, as well as Soviet ATGMs.

“As for self-propelled guns, in 2005, the Russian Federation adopted the Chrysanthemum complex with 9M123 missiles with a range of up to 6 km and a radio command guidance system within direct line of sight,” the publication recalled.

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Bulsae-4 – latest news

As UNIAN reported, the publication “Military” reported that the Russian occupiers began to use the long-range self-propelled anti-tank missile complex Bulsae-4, which was provided by the DPRK, on ​​the battlefield.

At the same time, the spokesman of the operational-tactical group “Kharkiv” Vitaly Sarantsev said that currently Russia does not use North Korean self-propelled anti-tank missile complexes Bulsae-4. According to him, the information is being verified.

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