4 alternatives to male contraception

Currently, the contraception is primarily a women’s issue. Yet options exist for men as well.

Today the vasectomy is a method of contraception final. This is an operation performed under local or general anesthesia. The objective of this intervention is tointerrupt the continuity of the vas deferensat the level of the scrotum, so that there are no more sperm in the ejaculate.



To perform this operation, the surgeon resects a short portion of the vas deferens before performing the obturation or clotting of extremities. Recanalization situations exist, but they are not completely effective.

Male contraception: a pill soon on the market?

According to High Authority of Health (HAS), there are three methods of male contraception: male condomvasectomy and removal.

The condom, according to Ameli.fr, is “an effective means of contraception provided that it is used during any vaginal penetration and whatever the time of the cycle. The condoms can be used alone or in combination with another method of contraception (pill, implant, patch, IUD). In addition, some male condoms are covered by health insurance.

The withdrawal involves withdrawing his penis from his partner’s vagina and moving it away from the genitals before ejaculating (which usually occurs at the time of orgasm). For couples who choose this method, given its high rate offailurethe possibility of an unplanned pregnancy must be acceptable, otherwise it is better to prefer another method.

The Planning familial also mentions the possibility of using the ” thermal contraception. This reversible method raises testicular temperature and helps inhibit spermatogenesis. To achieve this elevation, the testicles are pulled up into the inguinal canals and held in place with an undergarment suitable for wearing a fifteen hours a day. There is no effect on sexual desire or erections. »

Finally, the idea of ​​a male contraceptive pills makes its way. According to’INSERM, eight clinical trials have been conducted to test the effectiveness of this method of contraception. “The results indicated that these contraceptives exhibit similar efficacy to female hormonal contraceptives, few side effects and a reversible process. A big downside, however: it is necessary to wait a few months following starting to take this pill to see its contraceptive effects, but also to wait a few months following stopping to see them dispel. »



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