37 sales from Norwegian companies to Russia have been notified

37 sales from Norwegian companies to Russia have been notified

This was said by customs director Øystein Børmer during a lecture at Arendalsuka, writer Technical Weekly.

Norway has introduced strict sales restrictions to Russia for a number of goods as a result of the Ukraine war.

– Russia has a strong interest in getting hold of sanctioned goods, says Børmer.

The sales have taken place directly between Norwegian and Russian companies, but also via third countries.

Most of the notified companies are connected to the maritime sector, for example in underwater technology, equipment for fishing fleets and fishing vessels, says department director Åge Skår at the Customs Department.

– What may look like a very innocent product, for example a plastic gadget, can be part of Russian weapons production. It does not have to appear as complex goods. Goods that we deal with on a daily basis can be sanctioned, says Skår.

The reports have led to punitive measures from the Norwegian authorities, states PST. The penalty is larger financial fines.

The customs office believes that the sales were not an accident.

– It has probably not happened by accident, but perhaps rather due to a lack of competence, a lack of understanding of the situation or that they have not realized that the restrictions also apply to their company, says Skår.

#sales #Norwegian #companies #Russia #notified
2024-08-14 00:37:56



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