37% of the forests of Attica burned in the last 8 years

From 2017 to August 13, 2024, 13 large fires have burned more than 700,000 hectares according to reports from the Copernicus Fast Mapping Service and the European Observatory for Forest Fires (EFFIS). The perimeter of the burned areas is given on the map below.






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Perimeter of burned areas in the Attica Region from 2017 to today. Shades of red and pink mark the areas burned in 2023 and 2024 (as of 8/13) and yellow and orange the areas burned in the previous 8 years. The wider area of ​​the Attica basin is marked in gray

The total area of ​​the Attica Region (excluding the area of ​​Troizinia, the islands and the Basin) is 2,500,000 acres, so in the last 8 years 26% of the total area has been burned by forest fires. In the Attica Region, the area of ​​forest lands is approximately 1,230,000 acres and in the last 8 years, 450,000 acres of forest have been burned, i.e. 37% of the forest area. The recent fire that started from Varnavas Attica and reached the residential zone of Lekanopedi, burned a large part of the forest area of ​​Northeastern Attica.

Total burned areas in the years 2017-2024 (as of 13/8) in the Attica region

Fire in Attica: Evidence of two simultaneous outbreaks in Varnavas – Complaint that the fire originated from a short circuit in a pillar

Fire in Attica – The recording of damages has begun: Where can citizens and businesses submit applications

Fire in Attica – Mitsotakis: We try to be better every year in increasingly difficult conditions – What was discussed at the extraordinary meeting

Fire in Attica: Video – document with the moment of the beginning of the fiery nightmare in Varnavas

#forests #Attica #burned #years



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