33 years old, died in a mental hospital with his hands and feet tied… Even if your belly is swollen and your nose bleeds, don’t worry about it.

2024-07-28 15:05:00

On May 27, when the victim Mr. Park knocked on the door of Bucheon D Hospital complaining of abdominal pain, a guardian and a nurse came in, gave him medicine and tied him to the bed. Capture CCTV footage

An incident occurred in which a patient who had been isolated and coerced for a long time in Chuncheon Mental Hospital died. “Han Minzu Ilbo” reportedAfter it was learned that the Ministry of Health and Welfare had launched an investigation into isolation and obsession in mental hospitals, a patient died after being tied to a bed at another mental hospital. The family of the deceased filed a criminal complaint against the hospital’s medical staff and filed a complaint with the National Human Rights Commission.

Mr. Park (33 years old) was admitted to Bucheon D Hospital in Gyeonggi Province on May 10 due to addiction to weight-loss drugs. He died at around 4 a.m. on May 27, 17 days after being hospitalized. According to an autopsy conducted by the National Institute of Forensic Medicine, the cause of death was presumed to be pseudo-intestinal obstruction.

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) released by the family of the deceased showed that when Mr. Park knocked on the door holding his stomach and asked to leave the isolation room (stable room), a nurse and guardian came in and gave him some help. And take action by tying his hands, feet, and chest to the bed (5 points mandatory). Two hours later, with a swollen stomach, nosebleeds, and out of breath, Mr. Park simply released his compulsion and left the room without taking any action. Mr. Park then lost consciousness and eventually died.

The victim's hands, feet, and chest were tied to the bed in five places (5 points of coercion). Capture CCTV footage

The victim’s hands, feet, and chest were tied to the bed in five places (5 points of coercion). Capture CCTV footage

According to the family members of the deceased on the 28th, Mr. Park, who died, went to Bucheon D Hospital in Bucheon City, Gyeonggi Province for a check-up after hearing rumors that the appetite suppressant diamine addiction treatment program was effective. The hospital is run by the famous psychiatrist brothers. In mid-June, the family of the deceased submitted a complaint to the Bucheon Enmi Police Station stating, “The victim has had difficulty defecating since May 20 and complained of intermittent abdominal pain. Starting around 7:00 pm on the 26th, she experienced…” : “Although he complained of abdominal pain, the hospital took no action.” For this reason, he was kept in a stable room (isolation room) and given psychotropic drugs such as sleeping pills and Debazone. . Mr. Park was quarantined at around 7pm on the 26th and from 00:30 to 2:45 on the 27th.

Mr. Park’s deceased brother said, “I don’t know why my brother who lived in a 3-4-person room went to the stable room.” He said, “I believed in the rehabilitation system of a famous doctor when I went there, but I found out that the National Institute of Forensic Medicine An autopsy conducted revealed that a near-lethal dose of the tranquilizer was found in the blood. “It is doubtful whether abdominal pain and intestinal obstruction are side effects of the drug. The family of the deceased believed that Mr. Park’s condition worsened and was therefore deliberately ignored, and filed a criminal complaint against three doctors and three nurses, including the director surnamed Yang, The charge was one of manslaughter rather than professional negligence.

Mr. Park died 17 days later at Bucheon D Hospital. Nine hours before his death, he clutched his stomach and begged to be discharged. Capture CCTV footage

Mr. Park died 17 days later at Bucheon D Hospital. Nine hours before his death, he clutched his stomach and begged to be discharged. Capture CCTV footage

The family of the deceased also raised suspicions of destroying evidence on the grounds that important parts that could reveal the cause of death were deleted from the CCTV footage. The family of the deceased claimed that all content was deleted except for about 30 seconds between 3:01 and 41 minutes on May 27. The hospital explained to reporters, “He is a patient with chronic constipation and does not often complain of abdominal pain, so it is difficult to suspect intestinal obstruction.”

Lee Jung-ha, the representative of Patosun, an organization for the protection of intellectually disabled people, said, “This is similar to Chuncheon Hospital. Even if patients complain that they are sick, they ignore and tie them up,” adding, “Without finding out the truth, no clear punishment is imposed , the same thing will continue to happen in mental hospitals in the future.

Park Ji-eun (pseudonym), the ex-wife of Kim Hyung-jin (pseudonym, 45 years old), died at 289 hours and 20 minutes on the morning of January 8, 2022, under long-term isolation and coercion. He knocked on the door because he might have a reason to want to go to the bathroom,” he said. You can also see in the video of his death at Chuncheon Hospital in the early morning of January 2 that he was in agony because he could not go to the toilet. “Even though they didn’t see any risk, they ignored and ignored the patient’s requests because of the physical symptoms,” he said. Mr. Park said that “such abuse occurs repeatedly because there is almost no punishment” and “reasonable punishment is absolutely necessary.”

Reporter Gao Qingtai k21@hani.co.kr

#years #died #mental #hospital #hands #feet #tied.. #belly #swollen #nose #bleeds #dont #worry



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