311 Thousand Students Will Receive PAE From First Day of Class

311 Thousand Students Will Receive PAE From First Day of Class

311 Thousand Students Will Receive PAE From First Day of ClassPAE: more than 113 billion for school feeding” width=”1920″ height=”1080″ srcset=”https://www.teleantioquia.co/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/vlcsnap-2024-10-08-06h26m48s913.jpg 1920w, https://www.teleantioquia.co/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/vlcsnap-2024-10-08-06h26m48s913-300×169.jpg 300w, https://www.teleantioquia.co/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/vlcsnap-2024-10-08-06h26m48s913-1024×576.jpg 1024w, https://www.teleantioquia.co/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/vlcsnap-2024-10-08-06h26m48s913-768×432.jpg 768w, https://www.teleantioquia.co/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/vlcsnap-2024-10-08-06h26m48s913-1536×864.jpg 1536w” sizes=”(max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px”/>

Students from 4,200 schools in all the subregions of Antioquia will receive the food supplement. Photo: Archive

The signing of agreements with 116 municipalities not certified in education, allowed the Government of Antioquia, through the Secretariat of Social Inclusion and Family, to ensure the resources so that the School Feeding Program (PAE) starts from the first day of classes in 2025.

It is thus that more than 311 thousand students from 4,200 educational centers benefit from the food supplement. Of them, there will be more than 24 thousand children on a Single Day who will receive a double portion of foodwith complement and lunch.

See: Government of Antioquia strengthens School Feeding Program for 2025

Besides, 2,700 students from Zenú indigenous communities They will have differential attention according to their traditions.

“The signing of the agreements between the Government of Antioquia and the municipalities since the month of November allows the local leaders to have enough days to carry out a good hiring process and for the PAE to start from the first day of classes without setbacks. . “Each municipality must carry out its own process and define the program operator according to the requirements of the law,” stated the Secretary of Social Inclusion and Family, Luis Giovany Arias Tobón.

Ver: Government grants benefits to food handlers

The signing of the agreements was possible thanks to the future terms approved by the Assembly of Antioquia for around 184 billion pesos, last October, of which 61 percent correspond to the Government’s own resources.

The figure guarantees continuity of service during the first 120 days of the school calendar. From the Government of Antioquia, on the other hand, progress is being made in a training and awareness process with the municipalities so that they advance the contracts and begin their execution from next January 20.

2024-12-02 12:49:00
#thousand #students #receive #PAE #day #class #Teleantioquia

What are the key partnerships and⁣ collaborations that have been crucial to the successful implementation and expansion of the PAE program?

## Spotlight on ‌School ​Feeding: Ensuring Nourishment for Antioquia’s Students

**Host:** Welcome back to the show. Today we’re diving⁤ into a crucial initiative ⁤aimed at combating hunger and ⁢improving education in Antioquia, Colombia. Joining me ‌to discuss the School Feeding Program,​ or PAE, is Alex Reed,⁢ [Alex Reed Title]. Welcome to the show.

**Alex Reed:** Thank you for having me.

**Host:** Let’s start with ‍the ‍basics. Can you​ tell us about the scope of the PAE program in Antioquia?

**Alex Reed:** Absolutely. The PAE program in Antioquia ⁤is set to benefit over 311,000 students across 4,200⁣ educational centers throughout the region. This is a significant step forward in ensuring that children ‍have access to nutritious meals, which is vital for their well-being and⁢ ability to learn. [[ ]]

**Host:**‌ It’s fantastic to see such a commitment to child well-being. I understand that recent agreements with municipalities have been crucial to the program’s launch. Can you elaborate⁢ on that?

**Alex Reed:** Yes, the recent signing⁣ of agreements with 116 municipalities not ​previously certified in education has been instrumental. These agreements ensure the necessary resources are in place for the program to begin on the very first day of classes in 2025. This collaborative effort between the Antioquian ‍government and local municipalities demonstrates a strong ⁤united front in prioritizing the needs of our children.‌ [[ ]]

**Host:** That’s truly inspiring. What are some of the long-term goals of the ‌PAE program beyond simply providing meals?

**Alex Reed:** The PAE program goes beyond just providing meals; it aims to create a positive impact on the overall educational experience. By ensuring that children ⁣are ⁢well-nourished, we can improve ⁢their concentration, health, and academic performance. In the long run, we ⁤hope to see a decline in hunger and ⁢malnutrition among Antioquia’s students, fostering a‍ brighter future for‌ the ‍entire community. [[ ]]

**Host:** A worthwhile and ‍ambitious program indeed. ​Thank you so much for sharing your insights on the⁤ School ​Feeding Program in Antioquia.

⁢ **Alex Reed:** It was my pleasure.

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