3+1 foods to avoid before going for a swim in the sea – 2024-07-28 16:32:04

3+1 foods to avoid before going for a swim in the sea
 – 2024-07-28 16:32:04

Everyone knows that eating before the beach is a no-go. In fact, experts report that it takes at least four hours to complete digestion, in order to be safe at sea.

However, a little bit of sea air, a little bit of relaxing on the beach, awakens our appetite and we often forget this instruction, maximizing the possibility of drowning or other complications in the water.

In some cases, even after 3-4 hours, digestion may not be complete after eating certain foods, which is why experts recommend avoiding them if we plan to swim in the sea.

Foods to avoid before swimming

In particular, if we are preparing for a day at sea, it is good to avoid:


Legumes in general, but especially beans and lentils (but also peas) are foods rich in plant fiber, something excellent for the health of the body, but not when we are going to swim. Their consumption can cause bloating, cramps, and intense discomfort in the water, so it is best to avoid them if you are going to swim.

Spicy foods

Hot foods can cause gastrointestinal disturbances, while if you swim in a supine position, there is a high possibility of gastro-oesophageal reflux. If you are in the water when this happens to you, you should stay cool and with calm, gentle movements try to get out.

Pancakes / Ice creams / Soft drinks

In general, it is not recommended to eat foods with a high fat content before swimming, as these are meals that can cause indigestion and very often discomfort. Prefer a lighter sorbet or meals with a low calorie load. Also, say no to sodas, as these can cause bloating and cramping, a not-so-pleasant development for someone in the water trying to swim.


Although you probably associate a cocktail or a summer beer with the beach, alcohol even in a small amount or a few degrees, can lead to dehydration and can seriously affect our good judgment. Experts recommend avoiding drinking alcohol, not only to avoid the risk of drowning, but also to avoid serious accidents if one is doing water sports or driving water vehicles.

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