31 Ex-Presidents Join Forces to Call for Maduro’s Arrest Over ‘State Terrorism’ in Venezuela

31 Ex-Presidents Join Forces to Call for Maduro’s Arrest Over ‘State Terrorism’ in Venezuela

THE HAGUE (EFE).— “For the first time, 31 former presidents, former heads of state of Latin America and Spain, sign a document (…) requesting the Immediate capture and detention of Nicolás Maduro, of Diosdado Cabello and the entire chain of command in Venezuela,” said the former Colombian president Andres Pastranawho on behalf of the signatories submitted a six-page legal brief to the Court’s Prosecutor’s Office.

The signatories also include Spaniards Felipe González, José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy; as well as Colombians Álvaro Uribe and Iván Duque; Argentine Mauricio Macri; Mexican Vicente Fox and Bolivian Carlos Mesa.

“It is important to highlight that In Spain, Felipe González, José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy. The only former president who has not signed it is (José Luís Rodríguez) Zapatero,” said Pastrana after meeting with the team of prosecutor Karim Khan at the headquarters of the ICC.

The signatories, who are part of IDemocratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas (IDEA-Democratic), denounced in their legal report “generalized and systematic violations of human rights,” including “crimes against humanity,” by the Venezuelan regime of Nicolás Maduro, which they accuse of “state terrorism”.

Venezuela: 31 former presidents call for Maduro’s arrest for “state terrorism”

This complaint, which extends to members of the Venezuelan Army as the fundamental support of the Maduro regime, is added to the case opened against Venezuela at the ICC in 2021.

In November of that year, the ICC prosecutor opened a formal investigation against Venezuela after having examined the complaints of Peru, Argentina, Canada, Colombia, Chile and Paraguay, stating that crimes against humanity had been committed in the country since February 12, 2014.

For now, the Investigation is being carried out against Venezuela and not against any high-ranking official in the Latin American country.

The core of the legal report presented by the former Ibero-American leaders focuses on the existence of the Constitutional Law of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, which was sanctioned on January 29, 2020, which names Maduro commander in chief, such that since then he is the highest hierarchical authority of the Army, as provided for by law.

“It is important because, according to that document, Venezuela stops being a civilian state and becomes a military state“Pastrana said, and Maduro, in his role as supreme commander, is “directly responsible for what is happening through the operational chain of command,” as well as the other positions, since “due diligence today is no longer an excuse to exempt you from investigations.”

There is state terrorism promoted directly by the President of the Republic,” said Pastrana, who offered the International Criminal Court the cooperation of the IDEA group to obtain evidence, proof, legal support so that it can act quickly in the case against Venezuela.

In his meeting with prosecutor Khan’s team, Pastrana also wanted to “draw attention to what was happening” in the country and to the “concern” for the safety of Colombian opposition leaders Edmundo González and María Corina Machado, whose situation is “very fragile.”

Argentina reports worsening situation in Venezuela

Argentina urges International Criminal Court to request arrest warrant against Maduro.

The Argentine Foreign Ministry also called for the arrest of “other leaders of the regime” in light of the worsening situation following the presidential elections in Venezuela on July 28.

Given the worsening situation in Venezuela Since July 28 and the commission of new acts that may be considered crimes against humanity, Argentina urges the prosecutor of the International Court to request the issuance of arrest warrants against Nicolás Maduro and other leaders of the regime.”

#presidents #call #arrest #Maduro #Venezuela #state #terrorism
2024-09-19 06:24:07

– ​What actions have former Latin American presidents called for against Nicolás Maduro and Diosdado Cabello?

Note: The provided text appears to be a‍ news article about 31 former presidents and heads of state‌ from Latin America and Spain calling for the immediate capture⁤ and detention of Nicolás Maduro, ‌Diosdado Cabello, and other high-ranking officials in Venezuela. The article is⁣ about a specific news event and‍ not ⁤related to the HTML tag


However, I can provide a comprehensive and SEO-optimized​ article on the topic of



Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is a⁢ fundamental building block of HTML,‍ used to ‍group other elements​ together for‍ styling, layout, and semantic purposes. ‌In this article, we’ll explore the⁣ definition, syntax, usage,⁢ and best practices of the


What is the ​



element is a generic container element ‌that represents a self-contained unit⁣ of content, ⁢such as a section, article, or ‍widget. It is a block-level element, which means it occupies the full width⁢ of​ its parent element ‌and starts on ‍a⁤ new line.


The basic ⁢syntax of the

element⁣ is as follows:




element has several​ use cases:

  1. Layout and Styling: Use
    elements to create a ⁢layout structure for your web‌ page, such as headers, footers, sidebars, and content areas. You can apply​ CSS styles to

    ‌elements to⁢ control their appearance and layout.
  2. Semantic Meaning: Use⁤
    elements⁤ to group related ​content together, such ‍as a hero section, testimonial section, or FAQ section. This helps search⁣ engines and screen readers understand the structure of your content.
  3. JavaScript: Use
    elements as ⁢a container for JavaScript-generated content, such as tooltips, modal ‍windows, ‍or ⁢loading indicators.

Best​ Practices

When using

elements, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Use‌ meaningful class⁤ names: Instead of⁤ using​ generic class names like​ .container or .box,​ use meaningful ‌names that describe the content or⁣ purpose of ⁢the‍
  2. Avoid over-nesting: Try to⁣ minimize the ‌number ​of nested
    elements, as this‍ can lead ‌to excessive​ HTML markup and slower page loading times.
  3. Use semantic HTML elements:‌ When possible, use ⁢semantic HTML elements‌ like

Common Use Cases

The following⁢ are some common use cases ‌for the


  1. Hero Section: Use a
    element to create a hero section with a background image, headline, and call-to-action button.
  2. Layout Grid: ⁢Use ‍multiple
    elements to ⁤create a layout grid for your content, such as a timeline‍ or a dashboard.
  3. Modal Window: Use a
    element to ​create⁣ a modal window ⁢that appears when a user clicks a button or link.



element is a versatile and essential building block of HTML, used to group‍ other ⁣elements together for styling, layout, and semantic purposes. By following ⁣best practices and using ⁢meaningful class⁤ names, you can effectively ⁤use

elements to⁤ create a well-structured and visually‌ appealing ​web page.


, HTML,⁤ container element, layout, styling, semantic ‌meaning, JavaScript, best practices, hero section, layout ‌grid, modal window.

What are the main uses of the `

` element in HTML?

I apologize, but it seems that you have provided an HTML code snippet instead of a topic related to

elements in HTML.

If you meant to ask me to write an article about the

element in HTML, here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:


Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is a fundamental building block of HTML, used to define a section or division of content on a web page. It is a generic container element that can be used to group other HTML elements together for styling, layout, or semantic purposes. In this article, we will explore the

element in depth, its uses, benefits, and best practices for its implementation.

What is the



element is a block-level element, which means it occupies the full width of its parent element and starts on a new line. It is a non-semantic element, meaning it does not provide any meaning or context to the content it contains. Instead, it serves as a container for other elements, allowing developers to apply styles, layout, and formatting to a group of elements.

Uses of the



element has numerous uses in HTML, including:

  1. Grouping elements:
    can be used to group a set of elements together, making it easier to apply styles, layout, and formatting to the entire group.
  2. Structuring content:
    can be used to create a hierarchical structure of content, making it easier to organize and layout complex web pages.
  3. Applying styles:
    can be used to apply styles, such as backgrounds, borders, and padding, to a group of elements.
  4. Semantic meaning: While
    is a non-semantic element, it can be used to add semantic meaning to a section of content by wrapping it in a

    with a specific class or ID.

Benefits of Using the



element offers several benefits, including:

  1. Flexibility:
    can be used in a variety of contexts, making it a versatile and flexible element.
  2. Easy styling:
    makes it easy to apply styles to a group of elements, reducing the amount of code required.
  3. Improved readability: By grouping elements together,
    can improve the readability of HTML code, making it easier to understand and maintain.

Best Practices for Using the


To get the most out of the

element, follow these best practices:

  1. Use semantic elements when possible: When possible, use semantic HTML elements, such as `<



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