300km in 40 minutes, the new Japanese magnetic levitation train breaks all records

Japan’s maglev train breaks speed records, covering 300 km in just 40 minutes. And that’s just the beginning.

Throughout history, the progress of trains has led to a significant improvement in the speedwith profound impacts on mobility and the integration of transport networks. High-speed trains, such as the TGV in France and the Shinkansen in Japan, represent the pinnacle of this evolution, reaching speeds exceeding 300 km/h and dramatically reducing travel times between major cities.

In this context, innovation continues to Pushing the limits of rail speedpromising to make travel faster and more convenient, and further transform the global transportation landscape.

In recent years, maglev train technology has made great strides, ushering in a new era of high-speed transportation. Japan in particular has distinguished itself with its advanced technology maglevwhich recently established a new speed record.

The Japanese maglev train, developed by Central Japan Railway, was designed to reach extraordinary top speeds thanks to its innovative magnetic levitation technology. Here’s the record-breaking speed it reached.

Magnetic levitation train sets new record

The maglev train in Japan, which runs on magnetic levitation, has recently broken a new speed record arriving to cover almost 300 kilometers in just 40 minutes. In fact, the latest test saw the maglev train cover 286 kilometers in 40 minutes, is a further demonstration of the capabilities of Japanese technology.

Although this train has not yet started commercial operations, it is only a matter of time before passengers can experience the extraordinary speed and comfort of these means of transport first-hand.

The Japanese maglev train, developed by Central Japan Railway, was designed to reach extraordinary top speeds thanks to its innovative magnetic levitation technology. Unlike traditional trains, which run on tracks with wheels, the maglev completely eliminates mechanical friction. This allows him to travel on air cushions created by magnetic fields, rising about 10 centimetres from the tracks.

Japanese authorities have planned to start commercial services by 2027, aiming to revolutionize the transportation system across the country.

300 km in 40 minutes, the new Japanese magnetic levitation train breaks all records (Pixabay photo) – www.vehiclecue.it

How the Meglev Train (of the Future) Works

The technology behind maglev is complex. Thanks to the use of powerful magnets and linear motorsthe train lifts off the tracks, eliminating physical contact and dramatically reducing friction. This allows for reaching speed up to 505 km/h during testing.

As Japan prepares to bring maglev to full operation, other nations, such as China and South Korea, are already studying similar projects.

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