30,000 Achaeans remain uninsured: They lose their insurance capacity – The deadline for settlement of EFKA debts expires – 2024-07-20 01:56:36

30,000 Achaean freelancers, self-employed people and farmers are at risk of being left without insurance in a few days, as the government appears unwilling to give a new extension to those with overdue insurance debts.

According to estimates, approximately 733,000 unemployed, self-employed, self-employed and farmers throughout Greece, with debts to the insurance funds, from March 1 will not have medical coverage from private doctors and they will be forced to resort to public hospitals.

According to the economist, consultant on insurance and labor issues Theodoros Xoulosis one attempt to pressure debtorsin order to pay their contributions, while an extension will be granted, exceptionally following a recommendation by the competent minister, only for their children, as well as for the disabled and affected (floods, fires).

The classes of these insured persons will continue to visit private doctors and receive the drugs from the market. The rest will be led to hospital queues, thus putting more burden on tertiary health care, which is already plagued by the wide spread of viruses.

According to Mr. Xoulos, while the total debt to the EFKA amounts to 47.16 billion euros, only 6.79 billion euros concern debtors with a debt of up to 15,000 euros and of these approximately 165,000 freelancers have a debt of up to 500 eurosi.e. these are debts originating from small and medium-sized professionals.

The paradox is that on the one hand debtors are pressured to repay their debts or to join the fixed setting of 24 doses and on the other hand, according to Law 4670/2020 (Vroutsis law), the contributions for all self-employed professionals and farmers have increased once more this year.

At the same time, the self-employed this year will be faced with the new way of their presumptive taxation, which means that the great majority will be asked to pay more tax, with the consequence that they will not be able to cope with everyday life.

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