3,000 people took part in the pink jogging against breast cancer in Nice

2023-10-08 17:52:00

“NWe reached the maximum gauge a few days ago. We therefore recorded 3,000 registrations for pink jogging.rejoices Barbara Prot, the president of the SOS breast cancer association which organized this charity race on Sunday.

Every year, Sunday sportsmen and seasoned athletes come together to mark Pink October with a festive and informative event. “No, it doesn’t just happen to others. One in 8 women has had, has or will have breast cancer in their lifetime. We must not bury our heads in the sand and, on the contrary, be vigilantunderlines Barbara Prot, also municipal councilor of Nice sub-delegate for health education. This goes through offered to women between 50 and 74 years old and regular follow-up. As such, self-palpation is very important and, if well practiced, can detect a suspicious mass that the person might have checked by a health professional.” Stands thus discussed these subjects in depth with the women who wished to do so.

Promote the activity

Photo Cyril Dodergny.

Another interest of this pink jogging: promoting physical activity which, in itself, can reduce the risk of developing cancer, whatever it may be, and also removes the threat of recurrence.

The SOS breast cancer association organizes workshops for patients every week to help them cope better with the disease and get back into daily life following remission. It also offers regattas, the next ones will take place on October 15 in Marseille and October 21 in Antibes.

Photo Cyril Dodergny.

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