Stating your own salary expectations in an application is always a delicate undertaking. Nobody wants to sell themselves below their worth. But asking too much right from the start might reduce your chance of getting a promising job.
The average gross monthly income of workers and employees in Austria was around 2,400 euros in 2017 – according to the latest available figures from the Main Association of Social Insurance Institutions. The income right in the middle – the so-called median – was around 2,200 euros. Only ten percent of employees earn more than 4,300 euros per month.
We asked around in five different industries how much 30-year-old full-time employees, who already have a few years of professional experience following their training, earn gross per month.
IT specialists are desperately needed on the job market. If a 30-year-old has an HTL degree and professional experience, a gross monthly salary of 3,500 to 3,700 euros is the order of the day. With a university or technical college degree he is in a similar league. Salary growth is usually faster with an academic degree.
Health and nursing:
Anyone who opts for training in qualified health and nursing today has very good job prospects. The prerequisite for this is a six-semester bachelor’s degree at a technical college. The pay is mostly based on the scheme for Upper Austria’s state employees and is likely to level out at 2,500 to 2,700 euros gross for 30-year-olds.
Anyone who wants to combine mechanics, electronics, computer science and mechanical engineering has great job prospects as a mechatronics engineer. Since the field of work is broad and characterized by specializations, it is difficult to estimate salaries for 30-year-olds. The range should be between 2600 and 3500 euros gross. The training takes place through an apprenticeship; there are also university and technical college courses.
Nothing works in the advertising industry without graphic designers. The usual monthly salary for 30-year-olds is around 2,700 euros gross. Graphic designers are usually expected to have technical or university training in the field of communication design with a focus on graphic design or media design. There is also the college for graphic and communication design.
Logistics dispatchers:
They are the organizational talents in logistical control centers. Anyone who has completed a master’s training as a logistics manager at the FH OÖ Campus Steyr and has three to five years of professional experience can expect a gross monthly salary of at least 3,300 euros in the logistics industry. As a main dispatcher, the gross salary can be up to 4,500 euros.

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