3 Tips to not lose money in the market

Do you believe that women who do not invest represent 72% of the female population in Brazil? And the worst, the main reason for this is the lack of income, not to mention that they are afraid of losing money, assuming that there is a very large inequality in the professional market.

The data are part of the 5th edition of Raio X do Investidor Brasileiro, which is the most recent survey carried out by Anbima (Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities) together with Datafolha, listening to 5,800 people from classes A, B, C and D/E, from all regions of the country, in 2022.

Giving voice to those who understand the subject, our expert this time is Karina Afuso. With more than 10 years of experience in the Private Banking segment and almost 4 years as an investment advisor, she has a postgraduate degree in finance from Insper and is CFP® (Certified Financial Planner) certified.

In addition, Karina is a partner and investment advisor at Renova Invest. So, are we going to change this reality and have more women investing? See tips on how not to lose money in the financial market and start investing.

What we will see in this article:

1. Study regarding investments

The first tip is to study, know the basics regarding investments and keep up to date with news on the financial market, says Afuso. That’s because you avoid getting into traps, falling into blows or investing in what doesn’t make sense with your profile. The more knowledge you know, the easier it will be to deal with investment instabilities and know where to apply the money.

2. Diversify your portfolio

An important tip for not losing money on investments is to diversify your portfolio. Thus, it can minimize risks and enhance the chances of earnings with different assets, even more so if it is in variable income where there are much more oscillations in the financial market. Not putting everything in the same application or asset class is the secret, according to the investment advisor.

3. Trace your goals

After all, what do you want to do with the return on investments? Knowing where you want to go is paramount to outline your strategy. The third and final tip is to set a goal for investments.

For example, having a part thinking regarding retirement that may have more risk, complements. Also think regarding your investor profile, whether you are conservative, moderate or bold, this helps you understand which investments to apply.

Once you know all these tips, try to apply them on a daily basis and with caution. Don’t go too thirsty to the pot so you don’t lose money early on. If you already invest, use these tips to perfect your strategy and optimize your portfolio returns.

Don’t waste time and improve your knowledge, subscribe to our YouTube channel to explore the best investment opportunities on the market.

Got any questions? If you would like to know more investment alternatives, count on our advice! Contact us, we have a team prepared to help you!



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