3 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Don’t Wash For 2 Days

Showering is a daily routine for most of us. But let’s be honest: who, for lack of time in the morning, has never removed the shower? After reading the following, you will see that taking your shower in the morning will become your priority. Sensitive souls, abstain.

When you don’t wash every day, you can of course imagine what happens to your body.

Pay attention to the proliferation of bacteria.

According to a recent article published by TwentyTwoWords, when you don’t wash for two days in a row, bacteria point to the tip of your nose.

There are about 1000 types of bacteria in the human body and 40 types of fungi.

It sounds huge, but fear not: most of them are indispensable and even beneficial for us.

But some are not!

And when you don’t wash for two days, harmful bacteria irritate your skin and sometimes seep into your eyes, nose or mouth. So you have a good chance of getting sick.

“If you don’t wash every day, hello body odor. »

Bacteria are often responsible for the famous body odor.

Short explanation: the bacteria themselves do not smell.

Bacteria emit gases. And it is precisely these famous gases that cause these bad body odors.

And when you know that just one of these bacteria can emit around thirty unpleasant odors, it’s better not to skip the morning “shower”!

Wash daily to keep your skin healthy. If you are still not convinced, here is the last argument that could make you change your mind.

Staying clean is vital for the skin!

Keeping damp (sweating) clothes on your body after sports, for example, will irritate your skin and sometimes even create micro-lesions on the surface. You can therefore increase your risk of bacterial and fungal infections, such as staph or a yeast infection that causes the groin to itch.

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It is therefore essential to change sports clothes at each session and do not hesitate to keep your armpits, groin and face clean, as these are the areas that attract the most bacteria.

Too much shower, bad for your health?

In order to moderate these statements, many say that taking too much shower is not so good.
Indeed, water (also limestone) and hygiene products disrupt the skin barrier. The skin plays a role of natural shield against attacks because it produces a protective film.

But experts agree (for the most part) that repeated showers only upset this balance.

In particular by using products that are not necessarily suitable for your skin type. Sometimes too many chemicals mixed in remove oil from the skin’s surface, which can make it dry and flaky.

But remember that if you wash every day, no one can complain about your body odor.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

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