3 natural recipes to perfectly clean a microwave

2023-05-03 12:03:16

Of course there are many cleaning methods and products to purify your microwave. But if you want to save money and preserve the environment, you can also fall back on the natural and ecological options, which are increasingly popular in many homes. Contrary to what you might think, these remedies are just as effective, and even better, they even make your job easier and save you time. Less chore!

1 – White vinegar and salt

Pour white vinegar into a bowl – Source: spm

Among the star ingredients is white vinegar. This cleaning agent, to always have on hand, is remarkable for fighting the dirt that plagues various elements of the house. As a bonus, it is simple to use, safe and inexpensive. Thanks to its acidity, combined with steam cleaning, you will be able to sanitize and deodorize your microwave oven in no time and with minimal effort. To try it is to adopt it !

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For even more efficiency, we will associate it with salt. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. In a container (a bowl suitable for the microwave), pour a glass of water, a glass of white vinegar and a tablespoon of salt.
  2. Cover this bowl with plastic wrap and poke holes with a fork so that the steam can escape inside.
  3. Then insert the container inside and switch on the appliance.
  4. Thanks to the heat, the vapor of the vinegar will develop, reach the stains and take off all the residues encrusted on the walls.
  5. Leave on for five minutes before turning off the microwave.
  6. Keep the door closed and leave the bowl inside for a few more moments.
  7. When you open the door, you will see how the stains have almost all disappeared already. All you have to do is pass an absorbent paper over the entire surface to remove the remains. You will also take the opportunity to dry the interior. There you go, you have just cleaned your device without getting tired!

Advice : it is better to take the plate out of the microwave to wash it by hand or in the dishwasher. This is the easiest way to clean it from both sides, without leaving traces of dirt. Also remember to wash the wheels that hold it.

2 – White vinegar and baking soda

Let’s now move on to this formidable duo whose stain-removing, disinfecting and deodorizing potential no longer needs to be proven. This cleaning combo has absolutely nothing to envy to chemical remedies: it will make your microwave shine in just a few minutes.

Here is the procedure to follow:

  1. In a bowl, pour half a liter of water and a tablespoon of white vinegar.
  2. Put the bowl in the microwave and heat it for regarding 10 minutes maximum. The water should quickly evaporate.
  3. Then leave the container inside for ten minutes. The evaporated vinegar will thus have the mission of loosening dirt and grease stains stuck to the walls. After this time, remove the container from the device.
  4. Take a soft microfiber sponge. Cover it with a tablespoon of baking soda and pop it inside the microwave to remove the dirt loosened by the vinegar.
  5. Finally, wipe the inside with a dry cloth to remove all traces of dirt and residue from the products used.
  6. To finalize the cleaning, remove the plate to gently clean it thoroughly on both sides. It is always more practical, as it is made of glass, so you will avoid damaging or breaking it.

3 – With lemon

Clean the microwave with lemon

Cleaning the microwave with lemon – Shutterstock

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Finally, our last remedy features a citrus fruit that everyone knows regarding the cleansing properties. It’s lemon: it may surprise you, but it will amaze you with its whitening, deodorizing and disinfecting potential. As a bonus, it leaves behind a delicate scent full of freshness! Like vinegar, lemon has the same purpose, it will attack all bacteria, banish dirt and disinfect the microwave perfectly well. Moreover, if the strong smell of vinegar bothers you, this citrus fruit remains the ideal alternative. How to apply it?

  1. Place a halved, sliced ​​or squeezed lemon in a container with water.
  2. Introduce it inside and heat it until boiling.
  3. Leave it in for a few minutes for it to take effect.
  4. Finally, turn off, wait a moment and wipe with a sponge to remove residue and moisture. Cleanliness and shine will be there!

Read also: Remove rust stains from the floor in 10 minutes with a simple trick

#natural #recipes #perfectly #clean #microwave



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