“3 Good Reasons to Enjoy Croissants on a Diet: Keeping Your Figure Without Sacrificing Taste”

2023-05-26 07:31:32

Flaky, buttery and delicious, it’s hard to resist, especially in the morning. However, if you’re trying to watch your figure, you might wonder if a croissant is really the best choice. Here are three good reasons to continue enjoying your favorite breakfast, even if you are on a diet.

A plain croissant is relatively low in calories.

A plain croissant only contains regarding 220 calories, which is lower than other breakfast options like muffins or bagels. In addition, croissants help you enjoy a gourmet breakfast that will fill you up for a whole morning. This will help you avoid snacking later in the day.

There’s no shame in indulging once in a while.

Crossing the line and indulging your cravings for a day will only boost your metabolism. Think of your indulgence as a “cheat meal” that bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts do to boost their metabolism and get their bodies to burn even more.

One study found that dieters who ate a 700-calorie breakfast lost more weight than those who skipped that meal. So if you’re looking to kickstart your metabolism, eating a croissant early in the morning might be just the thing for you. Just be sure to pair it with healthy ingredients, like eggs and avocado, to make sure you get all the nutrients you need.

Depriving yourself to keep the line would only make you succumb to more greedy desires.

For fear of derailing your diet, you deprive yourself of your favorite foods and this only impacts your mood. You become more irritable and anxious, which is of little benefit to your mental or physical health. You can maintain your ideal weight or lose weight by controlling portions and eating foods. If, however, you crave a croissant on a Sunday morning, grab one and balance out your subsequent meals or do some high-intensity activity. You deserve to take a break and treat yourself as you see fit.

What other false enemies can we indulge in from time to time?


When trying to lose weight, many of us immediately cut out all starches from our diets. However, this can be detrimental to our health. Our body needs carbohydrates to produce energy, and complex carbohydrates like starches are an important part of a balanced diet. The key is to choose the right starches and consume them in moderation. Wholemeal bread, pasta, and rice are all good choices. These foods are high in fiber and nutrients, and they can help us feel full throughout the day. When we cut calories, it’s important to make sure we’re still getting the nutrients our bodies need. By including healthy starches in our diet, we can achieve this.

Fats :

Many people think fat is taboo when trying to lose weight, but that’s just not the case. In fact, our body needs fat to function properly. The key is to choose healthy fats that will support our weight loss goals instead of sabotaging them. One way to do this is to cook with olive oil rather than butter. Olive oil is lower in saturated fat and contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.

Another option is to eat more fish. Fish such as salmon and tuna are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to aid weight loss. Finally, nuts and seeds are also excellent sources of healthy fats. Just be sure to choose unsalted and unroasted varieties for best results. By incorporating these healthy fats into our diet, we can achieve our weight loss goals without sacrificing our nutritional needs.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

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