3 Determining Factors for Rock Climbing to Win Gold at the 2024 Olympics – 2024-08-06 14:19:59


CHAIRMAN of the Indonesian Rock Climbing Federation (PB FPTI) Yenny Wahid stated that rock climbing athletes have three factors that are the main keys to achieving the best achievements at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Rock climbing sent a full team quota to the 2024 Paris Olympics through two male athletes, Veddrid Leonardo and Rahmad Adi Mulyono and two female athletes Desak Made Rita Kusuma Dewi and Rajjiah Salsabila.

Currently, the Indonesian rock climbing team is ready to compete at the 2024 Paris Olympics and will start its competition in the qualifying and seeding rounds which will be held today, Monday (5/8/2024).

“In addition to physical and mental, there is certainly a third factor, namely spiritual. Whatever is called destiny must be done with prayer. Several times before going to Paris we prayed together, Muslims of course with Islamic prayers, other religions we do all. So physical, mental, spiritual we do all,” said Yenny in her statement, (5/8).

Rock climbing is one of the sports that is expected to win medals at the 2024 Olympics. Although many factors influence the fulfillment of the medal hopes. Ahead of the match, Yenny said that currently the athletes are ready both mentally and physically.

One of them is by acclimatizing by coming early to Paris to adjust to the climate, atmosphere and sleeping hours that change due to the time change. Mentoring is also continuously carried out to maintain the hopes and opportunities for climbing medals for the Indonesian Team at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

“Rock climbers are physically very ready. Because they are top world athletes, at least in the top 3 rankings in the world, often winning gold medals and they are used to being on the podium. But prayers, especially from all Indonesian people, are what we expect. Especially to guard them, for example so that they do not slip, false start, and then get disqualified, and things that we do not expect,” said Yenny.

“We have been providing regular support. We often provide positive affirmation sessions, so that they feel that they deserve to be champions in this Olympics. So we provide special support sessions for athletes so that they can reflect and then say that they are champions, and champions in the Olympics,” he concluded.

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