2023-05-20 10:23:00
Books – Islam Saeed
Saturday, May 20, 2023 01:23 PM
Relegation dominated gold prices During the past week, in light of the decline in global prices, in addition to the decline in demand for the precious metal in the local markets during the current period, but prices were able to return to a gradual recovery during yesterday’s Friday session.
The price of gold decreased during the past week by 3.3%, to lose 80 pounds, while gold decreased by 600 pounds per gram, since recording its highest historical level at 2800 pounds per gram, until it recorded the lowest level last week at 2200 pounds per gram.
The decline in gold during the past week came in parallel with the decline in global prices for an ounce and its decline below the psychological level of $2,000 an ounce, which indicates the return of local pricing of gold to a large extent in line with global pricing, according to Gold Billion.
Worth noting, that gold It returned to recovery yesterday, at the end of the week, in parallel with the return of the global ounce price to the rise yesterday, due to the statements of the Federal Bank President.
The initiative to allow the import of gold without customs or fees contributed to increasing the local supply of gold to meet the increasing demand during the recent period, in addition to the official announcement of the work of the first investment fund in gold, which contributed to the calm and control of the gold markets.
Especially since the investment fund may attract a large segment of low-income people, which reduces the demand for gold ore, thus reducing pressure on demand and achieving a balance in the balance of supply and demand for gold markets.
The Central Bank of Egypt fixed interest rates during its meeting last Thursday at 18.75% for the price of the main operation, and fixed both interest on deposits and overnight lending at 18.25% and 19.25%, respectively.
It is noteworthy that the Central Bank of Egypt raised interest rates by 200 basis points at its last meeting in March, following raising interest by 800 basis points during the year 2022 in light of work to reduce inflation and attract investments at a time when the Federal Reserve Bank continued to raise interest for ten consecutive meetings.
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