2AC, audit and consulting firm committed to an innovative approach

2AC (Associés Audit et Conseil) has been offering accounting, tax and legal services and business consulting since 1988. Very present in Africa for development and public finance projects, the company strives to deliver its expert recommendations to its clients with a desire to strengthen and clean up their systems.

An intelligent practice of audit focused on support

His experience of the sector for 30 years, coupled with a large network and a certain expertise of the African territory are as many assets exposed by the founder and Managing Director of 2AC, Benoît Delahaye, who resolutely defends the ambition to take the audit out of the punitive image with which it is too often associated. The 2AC team then endeavors to show all the improving and formative aspects that a consulting firm can offer its clients. In some cases, the stakes are colossal: control and analysis of a State’s arrears to the private sector or transition to digital management of public finances. 2AC strives to develop methods and tools in the field to train local actors and partners.

« These are the extension of 2AC internationally, explains Benoît Delahaye. The missions we carry out are carried out after public calls for tenders, guaranteeing a reasonable budget framework and a mix of teams with local partners. Moreover, we go beyond the missions as such: one of our last seminars organized in Dakar, in the presence of around thirty employees from 13 different African countries, enabled us to explain our vision and our tools. This real transfer of know-how is one of our main values ​​at 2AC. »

A virtuous DNA

With a team of experts in Vincennes, the company’s headquarters, and a permanent team in Africa of around fifty people, 2AC has intervened in nearly 30 African countries since its creation, for the conduct of more than 200 missions. ” Whether the mission lasts 2 or 10 months, and whether it is large or small scale, we strive to deploy the same energy, the same strength and the same know-how says Franck Wackers, 2AC expert in public finance. To do this, the company develops web solutions, modeling its approaches and converting these tools that work in the field. Among them, project monitoring tools, modular and adaptable to the needs of each country, attached to the notion of financial transparency. ” Ensuring the proper use of cooperation money – which will be more scarce given the multiplication of needs – is more than ever essential concludes Benoît Delahaye.

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Member of the BpiFrance Excellence network and supported by the trust of international donors such as the World Bank, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS (TGF), as well as the French and German international development agencies (AFD and KFW), 2AC strives to gather ever more resources and partners to whom to transfer its values, in Africa and internationally.

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