“Putting well-being at the heart of our priorities”

Local Health Contract: Enhancing Community Health in Evian Valley

“While the competence relating to the organisation of care falls to the State, the community of communes has an essential role to play in improving the health of the population. Its public policy, in terms of transport, housing, social action, or even environmental preservation, impacts a large number of health determinants. Health must now be thought of collectively. This is why the local health contract is today a partnership tool adapted to contribute together to taking care of the inhabitants of the territory.”
— Josiane LEI, President of CCPEVA.

The Stakes of the Local Health Contract

The signing of the CLS (Contrat Local de Santé) signifies a collective commitment to addressing health care in a cohesive manner, especially in the areas of prevention, health promotion, access to care, and medical-social support.

The CCPEVA (Communauté de Communes du Pays d’Évian – Vallée d’Abondance) is dedicated to fostering an environment of collaboration among health, social, and medico-social stakeholders. This networking aims to facilitate synergies, promote experimentation and innovation, and ultimately benefit the health and well-being of community residents.

Components of the Local Health Contract

“If this contract is intended to be pragmatic, with concrete actions, it is also intended to be ambitious for the future of the territory by promoting a cross-cutting approach to health.”
— Caroline SAITER, Deputy Vice-President for Solidarity and Social Cohesion Policy CCPEVA.

The CLS is designed as a flexible, dynamic, and scalable tool, allowing the integration of new actions as proposed by partners throughout its execution. It is tailored to reflect the unique needs and specificities of the residents while aligning with other regional approaches, particularly the Territorial Professional Health Communities (CPTS) of Haut Chablais and Portes du Soleil Grands Massifs.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The implementation of the action plan will undergo regular assessments conducted by a steering committee comprising signatories and other key partners. The recently signed local health contract for the Evian Valley of Abondance region marks the launch of collaborative operational work aimed at enhancing community health.

Key Signatories of the Local Health Contract

  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Health Agency – Reynald LEMAHIEU, Director of the Haute-Savoie Departmental Delegation.
  • Department of Haute-Savoie – Josiane LEI, Departmental Councilor for the Canton of Évian-les-Bains.
  • Primary Health Insurance Fund of Haute-Savoie – Pierre FENEYROL, Director.
  • Agricultural Social Mutuality – Françoise THÉVENAS, President.
  • Public Mental Health Establishment of Haute-Savoie – Peggy PROVOLO, Director of Care.
  • Lake Geneva Hospitals – Laurent DONADILLE, Director.
  • MGEN Evian Medical Care and Rehabilitation Facility – Danièle ISTAS, Medical Director.

Benefits of the Local Health Contract

The Local Health Contract promotes various benefits that can directly impact community health, including:

  • Improved Access to Care: Collaborative efforts can ensure that community members receive timely and adequate health care services.
  • Preventive Health Actions: By focusing on prevention, the CLS can reduce the incidence of diseases, ultimately leading to better health outcomes.
  • Holistic Health Promotion: Integrative policies addressing social determinants of health contribute to overall well-being and quality of life.
  • Innovation in Health Services: The contract encourages experimentation and innovation, paving the way for new health initiatives tailored to community needs.

Case Studies of Successful Health Collaborations

Several regions have successfully implemented similar local health contracts with notable outcomes. For instance, a recent initiative in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region demonstrated significant decreases in hospital readmission rates following the execution of a community-based health intervention program. By focusing on seamless transitions between hospital and community care, the program emphasized the importance of local partnerships in supporting patient health.

First-Hand Experiences from Stakeholders

Local stakeholders involved in the CLS have shared insightful experiences that highlight the impact of collective action on community health. For example, a community nurse reported increased collaboration with local mental health services, leading to a more cohesive support system for individuals experiencing mental health challenges.

Practical Tips for Local Health Stakeholders

  1. Engage with the Community: Regularly seek feedback from residents to better understand their health needs and concerns.
  2. Foster Partnerships: Build strong relationships among various health, social, and community organizations to create a robust support network.
  3. Adapt and Evolve: Stay flexible and be ready to integrate new health initiatives that address emerging community needs.
  4. Implement Continuous Evaluation: Ensure ongoing monitoring and assessment of health initiatives to identify areas for improvement and celebrate successes.


The Local Health Contract represents a vital step towards enhancing community health in the Evian Valley. By adopting a holistic, collaborative approach, local stakeholders can work together to address health care challenges, improve access to services, and foster a healthier population.



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