29 Sep. World Heart Day, doctors warn! Risk symptoms in children “Congenital heart disease”

Having a disease – using drugs – drinking alcohol Risk of baby “Congenital heart disease”

Risk factors for mothers who cause their children to have congenital heart disease include: Older mothers. This causes a risk that the child will be born with a genetic disease such as Down syndrome. Resulting in children’s growth being slow. have intellectual disabilities And the risk of heart disease is about 40%. Next is the group of mothers who have disease during pregnancy.

1. Diabetes that makes babies grow bigger Increases the risk of congenital heart disease or coronary artery alternation.

2. Influenza When children grow up, their risk of heart disease is two times higher than that of normal children.

3. German measles That increases the baby’s risk of congenital heart disease.

4. Group of mothers who received chemicals or drugs during pregnancy. Whether it’s disinfectants, antibiotics, anticonvulsants, they may have an effect on the unborn child. Mothers who are pregnant must always consult their doctor about medication use. And in the last group is

5. Group of mothers who smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs while pregnant. That can affect the heart and various organs of the unborn child.

“Congenital heart disease” is slow to treat, leading to poor health as it grows.

If parents notice that the baby is tired and gasping for breast milk, is cyanotic, and weighs too little. or unable to breathe There is a chance of having congenital heart disease. You should immediately take your child to the doctor. The diagnosis is divided into two types: in cases where the child is still in the womb And mothers want to check their children’s risks. The doctor will perform a heart ultrasound to see if the child’s weight is related to age. As for the case where the child has already come out The doctor will check your heart rate. (Echocardiogram) and chest x-rays or use a CT scan or MRI to further check the heart’s function.

“Congenital heart disease can be cured. The sooner it is detected, the sooner it can be treated. In some cases, there may be no dangerous symptoms and will go away on its own as the baby grows up. Some people may need medication. But if the child has cyanosis Most require cardiac catheterization or surgery to close the hole in the heart. Currently, medical professionals can use catheter equipment to close the leak. There is no need to open the chest to perform major surgery.”

29 Sep. World Heart Day, doctors warn! Risk symptoms in children

“Congenital heart disease greatly affects a child’s life. Parents should therefore always monitor their children’s health. When abnormal symptoms are found, they will be taken to see a doctor immediately. If it is found that our child has congenital heart disease I don’t want to worry too much. Because sometimes it can be cured. As for parents, they must take good care of their little ones’ health. Pay special attention to nutrition and always take children to get their vaccinations. And be careful about tooth decay that can cause infection into the heart. If you take good care of yourself regularly, it will help your children’s heart health to continually improve. and grow strong into adulthood” Dr. Suwanich Triamchanchuchai Concluding remarks

29 Sep. World Heart Day, doctors warn! Risk symptoms in children



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