28 years later, this cult Mega Drive game resurfaces as if by magic, bringing back lots of good memories!

2023-10-16 19:00:03

Game news 28 years later, this cult Mega Drive game resurfaces as if by magic, bringing back lots of good memories!

Published on 10/16/2023 at 9:00 p.m.

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If we mention the name Gargoyles to older people, some will immediately think of Capcom’s Gargoyle’s Quest saga. But did you know that there is another much more unknown series on the SEGA Mega Drive?

Gargoyles, an exceptional little-known game?

It was during a meeting with members of Disney TV that Patrick Gilmore, future Gargoyles producer on Mega Drive, discovered the pitch for the animated series. As the images scroll across the conference room screen, the person sees the possibility of transposing this universe into the form of a video game. These winged gargoyles are so powerful that they could totally be the heroines of a platform game mixed with combat. The project was then started with a team of experienced developers. Very quickly, they chose to bring a dark tone to play on the contrasts and the realism of the characters and settings. The idea is to render with 3D depth while using 2D elements.

The bet is risky, but the game perfectly respects the original work, in particular by drawing inspiration from the design of the environments of Tim Burton’s Batman. Upon its release, the game was praised for its fidelity to the cartoon, but it ultimately only had an American career. The Super Nintendo version, then in preparation, will be stopped and the European adaptation will suffer the same fate. This very good game never crossed the Atlantic, but would have deserved another destiny. Also, seeing it arrive after so many years is excellent news!

28 years later, Gargoyles returns!

Never released in Europe, Gargoyles will finally discover the old continent 28 years after its arrival in the country of Uncle Sam. All those who remember the cartoon from the 1990s will be able to rediscover this universe and its emblematic characters. For the occasion, it is a remake entitled Gargoyles Remastered which will join PCs and consoles. Available from October 19, in a few days, it is the work of Empty Clip Studios and benefits from numerous improvements. In addition to updated graphics, players will be able to count on new animations, new sound effects, a remastered soundtrack and a host of options such as the addition of 16:9, instant rewind (practical for softening the difficulty of the game) and success. For the most curious or nostalgic, it will also be possible to switch, in an instant, from the modernized version to the original version. For those who wish, physical versions (single and collector) are available for pre-order from Limited Run Games.

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