The menopause corresponds to the cessation of ovarian functioning, therefore menstruation. Usually it occurs between 45 and 55 years oldwith an average of around 50 years, estimates Inserm.
It involves a cessation of ovulation due to a depletion of all the primordial follicles located in the ovaries which are responsible for the release of oocytes in the fallopian tubes. Menopause marks the final cessation of menstruation and therefore of menstrual cycles due to the cessation of estrogen secretion.
THE symptoms observed during the menopause are related to lack of estrogen production (female sex hormones) and vary according to each person. THE hot flashes (which concern 80% of menopausal people), night sweats or intimate dryness are the most common.
You have to realize that every woman is different. Symptom intensity varies from person to person. This can sometimes make the diagnostic difficult. To better understand the changes in the body at the time of menopause, a community –Latte Lounge– uploaded a repertoire of many symptoms of the process. They are listed by women. Katie Taylor, founder, calls on women to complete this list to improve the knowledge of healthcare professionals to ensure better diagnosis.
Menopause: “From 43 to 47, all my symptoms were psychological”
In addition to the hot flushes frequently mentioned by postmenopausal women, other signs may be indicative ofa drop in estrogen levels. According to Katie Taylor, health professionals are still poorly informed regarding this phenomenon. The Latte Lounge therefore erected a list of symptoms which might alert on the approach of the menopause. They can also reveal the premenopause, which precedes the definitive disappearance of the rules.
Katie Taylor explains that perimenopause can drag on and last up to a decade. She says that for her, this phase involved allergies, dizziness, dental problems or loss of confidence. It took four years to his doctors for her to be diagnosed. “From 43 to 47, all my symptoms were psychological,” she testified to the Daily Mail.
Discover in imagesthe symptoms identified by the women on Latte Lounge.