26 changes of shirt so far –

Edward Sirignano

If with the word “market”, these days, we think of Dybala who could leave Roma or of Chiesa’s future club, in political jargon, with this term we refer to the never-ending changes of side. The semi-empty buildings of the capital, when politics goes on vacation, become the ideal location to conclude those negotiations, which need to be carried out under the radar or better to reposition in view of an autumn, which like it or not, when it comes to positioning, has always reserved novelties.

With the heat, in fact, dormant discontents come out and therefore the desire for a change of scenery on the part of those who, for twelve months, have felt on the margins of a project. According to the latest counts, since the legislature began, 26 parliamentarians have left the old shirt for a new one. A fairly high percentage, considering the recent cuts to politics.

The only certainty is that these movements do not affect the stability of the majority. In fact, no deputy or senator has moved from right to left. Indeed, two elected members of the M5S, champions in losing pieces along the way, have abandoned the yellows to join Forza Italia, which, at least for the moment, is the most attractive party, considering that it has already hosted Giuseppe Castiglione from Azione. The fugitives from the five-star movement are Senator Antonio Trevisi, who for reasons still unknown, has broken with Conte, and his colleague from Campania Raffaele De Rosa, who instead had pulled the plug on his former party due to “the ambiguity on Ukraine and NATO”. Foreign policy, after all, was the reason why Federica Onori, before the European elections, had abandoned Giuseppi for Calenda. The battle in the Third Pole, in 2024, however, is the main leitmotif of the so-called quail jump. Before the European elections, former minister Elena Bonetti and Ettore Rosato had left Renzi for Azione, while Naike Gruppioni and Isabella De Monte had divorced Carletto to return to being protagonists in Italia Viva. Renzi also managed to get Dafne Musolino, who abandoned the Sicilians of Cateno De Luca for a place in Leopolda 2.0.

The only one to have left the party of the premier is Andrea De Bertoldi, who a few days ago made official his marriage with the Berluscones. The same fate also befell the League, which lost only one seat. We are referring to Antonino Minardo, now in the Mixed Group.

The group, without color, has also become home to some former Noi Moderati, as in the case of the secretary of the Unione di Centro Lorenzo Cesa and the former Berlusconi minister Michela Vittoria Brambilla. In the limbo of Montecitorio they may find an unexpected companion like Aboubakar Soumahoro, dumped by Fratoianni and Bonelli, following the migrant scandals that we all know about. Also leaving the left is Eleonora Evi, who after being discovered by the 5 Star Movement and having arrived in Parliament thanks to Avs, moves to the Democratic ranks to carry high the banner of Schlein. Moving from the Nazareno, on the other hand, is Enrico Borghi, who returns to his mentor Renzi, where he receives the role of group leader. In short, all internal party games, which, however, do not affect the general balance.

#shirt #Tempo
2024-08-18 06:51:27



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