25th edition of Charlevoix at work! : nothing beats human contact

the 25the edition of Charlevoix au boulot!, which was held on April 15 at Domaine Forget, in Saint-Irénée, attracted 210 people. Despite a drop in attendance compared to the last edition, the quality of the applications satisfied the employers present.

Like the labor market, the event overseen by Services Québec evolves over the years. First on its attendance: “Before we had a boom at the start of the day, but now it’s all the time, it goes by until 3 p.m.,” explains Lyne Tremblay, director of the Services Québec offices in Charlevoix.

“The last edition, we had around 300 people. But for us it’s not so much the quantity (that matters), as the right people present for the needs that there are. Employers tell us: it’s people with the right qualifications that we’re looking for,” continues the director.

The success scale of the organizing committee therefore remains the satisfaction of the employers. “This fall, they were very satisfied. There are even several who said: “we have filled all our positions, we are not coming back this spring”. So that’s a good sign. This year we have a lot of new employers, about a third of the 25,” says Ms.me Tremblay.

Examples include Les constructions St-Gelais, Enviro-Manic, Bistro des artistes, or the Center de l’émeu. All of the employers confirm that they have received many CVs and are “very satisfied” with this edition.

Of the 25 employers present, a third were participating for the first time.

The new realities of the labor market, with the labor shortage in mind, still push Charlevoix to work! to question yourself. “The (employers) are now recruiting year-round. The committee is wondering a lot about how we are going to adapt our events. Are we going to go there more punctually, more often? Can we go further by changing the formula? “, admits the director.

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Despite the ease of finding a job online, the organizing committee believes in the relevance of a face-to-face event. “Human contact is always a big part of things. When we shop on the Internet, we do not have the human relationship. Maybe that’s why we see high turnover rates as well. A lot of people realize that coming in to meet with employers and then having the feeling how it can work in terms of the work atmosphere… That’s what makes all the difference,” concludes Lyne Tremblay.

The Charlevoix organizing committee at work! always believes in the relevance of an event in presence.

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