25th anniversary of the death of Ernst Jiinger: military writer and world writer – literature

He has published around a hundred books, but three of his works are immediately associated with his name: the war diary In Stahlgewitternstill one of the most important texts on the First World War, the historical-mythical novel published in 1939 On the Marble Cliffswhich was interpreted as a work of resistance against Hitler, and radiations, published in 1949, Jiinger’s diary from the years 1939 to 1948, which mainly describes his military service in the Second World War. Stylistically, they are masterpieces of German literature and at the same time problem books, as they are characterized by a dubious aestheticization and moralization of soldiering. How does it all go together? A military writer, anti-democrat, even discredited as an ideological pioneer of fascism, and at the same time a world writer?

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