In a significant development, the military police have officially identified 25 soldiers from an Army battalion based in Medan, North Sumatra, as suspects in a case involving an alleged assault on Selamat village. The incident, which occurred in November, left the community reeling.
The naming of the suspects comes roughly a month after the incident, following a thorough investigation conducted by the Bukit Barisan Military Command’s military police. During the investigation, 50 soldiers were interrogated.
“Of the 50 personnel we questioned, half are now facing accusations,” Bukit Barisan Military Command chief Lt. Gen. Mochammad Hasan announced during a press briefing on Tuesday.
Hasan further explained that the case will be handed over to Indonesian Military (TNI) prosecutors. The prosecution team will be responsible for drafting indictments against the accused, which will then be presented to a military tribunal.
He emphasized that the military police had consulted with both the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) and the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) throughout the investigative process.
The military leader also expressed that “the investigation is still ongoing as of today. The military police are committed to ensuring that the prosecution is carried out fully and diligently,” he said, adding that he apologized on behalf of the TNI to the people, especially the victims, for the incident in Selamat village.
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Read Also:
One dead, several injured after soldiers attack N. Sumatra village
What is the current status of the investigation into the alleged assault on Selamat Village, and what are the potential legal consequences for those involved?
## Interview with [Alex Reed Name, Title/Affiliation] on the Selamat Village Assault
**Interviewer:** Thank you for joining us today, Alex Reed. Can you shed some light on the recent developments regarding the alleged assault on Selamat Village?
**Alex Reed:** Certainly. As you mentioned, this is a very serious situation. It’s deeply concerning that 25 soldiers from a battalion based in Medan have been identified as suspects in the assault on Selamat village, which took place back in November [[1](]. This incident has left the community in shock and fear.
**Interviewer:** What are the specific allegations against these soldiers?
**Alex Reed:** According to reports, these soldiers allegedly attacked the village in three waves, breaking into houses and assaulting villagers [[1](]. The extent of the injuries sustained by the villagers is still being determined. This kind of violence against civilians by members of the armed forces is completely unacceptable and we need a thorough investigation to understand exactly what led to this incident.
**Interviewer:** What are the next steps in this case?
**Alex Reed:** It’s crucial that the military police conduct a transparent and impartial investigation to hold those responsible accountable. The victims deserve justice, and their voices must be heard. This case also highlights the need for stronger safeguards to prevent such incidents from happening again. We need to ensure that the military operates within the bounds of the law and respects the rights of civilians.
**Interviewer:** Thank you, Alex Reed, for your insights on this important issue.