24-hour strike for dockworkers

Starting today, Wednesday 3 April 2024, until Friday 5, with territorial articulations, the 24-hour national strike of port workers. The protest was called jointly by Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti for the renewal of the national collective agreement, which expired on 31 December.

«We have not yet obtained – underlines the CGIL Transport Federation – adequate responses to the requests made with our platform of demands. With the renewal, we ask for a fair salary that allows us to recover the purchasing power which has significantly reduced in the last two years and to recognize a fair adjustment to future inflation”.

Furthermore, we read in a note from Filt-Cgil, «we need to make the early retirement fund for dockworkers concrete while recognizing, at the same time, this activity as strenuous work. Furthermore, it is necessary to make all contractual instruments relating to the topic of health and safety more incisive, updating them with respect to new needs and approving them throughout the national territory”.

Objective: renew and defend the collective bargaining agreement

It is therefore necessary, continues the note, «to renew the national collective agreement of port workers and, at the same time, defend its constitutive principles and acquired rights which have, up to now, contributed to guaranteeing unity and stability of the entire port system”.

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Therefore, on April 3, the national Filt clarifies, the strikes will begin in the various ports, in Ravenna and Trieste; while on Friday 5th a national demonstration of port workers will be held in Genoa.

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#24hour #strike #dockworkers
2024-04-03 10:09:36

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