“24-Hour Deputies’ Marathon Session: Senate Faces Potential ‘Infection’ and Morena Pushes for Priority Health Law Reform”

2023-04-27 02:57:00

Written in NATIONAL he

The marathon session, of more than 24 hours, in the Chamber of Deputies might ‘infect’ the Senate of the Republic for they have been instructed Morena senators stay until the weekend in Mexico City in order to conclude with the regular period of sessions.

Initially, it was planned that said legislative period would end this Thursday; however, the process might be extended until Sunday, since for the Federal Executive the 17 initiatives approved in ‘fast track’ in San Lázaro are priority issues.

This is how the number 1 priority of the senators is the reform that modifies the General Health Law, which seeks to extinguish the Institute of Health for Well-being (Insabi) and that passes its functions and services to the Mexican Institute of Social Security for the Well-being (IMSS-Well-being).

While the second objective to be discussed, voted on and approved are the organic laws of General Communication Routes, that of the Railway Service, the Federal Law of Parastatal Entities and that of civil aviation and airports.

Initiatives will not have an easy path in the Senate

Despite the fact that the accumulation of initiatives also have express processing in the Senatethe reality is that the reforms will not have the same fate as they did in the Chamber of Deputies.

And it is that the president of the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo), Ricardo Monreal, warned that the senators will review “responsibly” each of the approved reforms.

Therefore, none of the minutes will be subject to a ‘fast track’ procedure, since they will be turned over to commissions and will eventually have to wait until an extraordinary period or until the ordinary work of Congress resumes, which are scheduled until September.

“All the minutes sent will not have a paperwork waiver nor will they be reviewed fast track. The idea is that they all go to commission without exception and that the commissions analyze their viability, the Senate must act as a true reviewing chamber, that is our function, ”he said.

It should be noted that unlike the Chamber of Deputies, where all procedures can be dispensed with a simple majority vote of the legislators, that is, half plus one, the Senate regulations establish that to dispense procedures a qualified majority of two thirds of the senators present.

In this way, Morena and its allies (PT and PVEM) do not achieve a qualified majority in the Senate to give express processing and upload the minutes without ruling, so they will be sent to commissions, and consequently, there will no longer be time to approve them.

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