2023-09-11 05:18:00
What happened that day?
On that day, terrorist attacks were carried out in the United States by hijacking four planes.
Two planes collided into two buildings of the World Trade Center in New York. The first plane hit the north tower at 8:46 a.m. local time, while the second plane hit the south tower at 9:03 a.m. local time. Following the accident, both the buildings caught fire. People were trapped on the upper floors and the entire city was filled with smoke. Within two hours, the 110-storey building collapsed completely.
A little later, at 9:37 p.m., a third plane crashed into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the US Department of Defense, not far from Washington, DC. A fourth plane crashed in the Pennsylvania Plains at 10:30 p.m. It is believed that this plane was going to attack the Capitol Building in Washington DC. There were 246 passengers and crew on board the four planes, all of whom died. 2,606 people died when both buildings of the World Trade Tower collapsed. 125 people were killed in the Pentagon attack.
September 11 that changed history
When the first plane hit the World Trade Tower, regarding 17,400 people were in the building. No one escaped from the upper floors of the North Tower where the plane hit. In the South Tower, only 18 people escaped from the floors above when the plane hit. Among those killed were citizens of 77 countries. In addition, 441 people died due to debris falling in New York City. Thousands of people were injured or later fell ill in the attack.
Who are the attackers?
The United States says the attack was carried out by al-Qaeda from Afghanistan. Investigators found that 19 people were behind the attack, with five attackers on each of the three planes and four on the fourth team (the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania).
America’s response
Within a month of the September 11 attacks, then-US President George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan to eliminate al-Qaeda and its leader, Osama bin Laden. America received help from other countries. Almost 10 years later, in 2011, US troops killed Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan. American troops returned from Afghanistan last month following 20 years. After this, the administration of Afghanistan once more came into the hands of Al-Qaeda.
Things changed following the September 11 attacks
After the September 11 attacks, security arrangements for airplanes were significantly increased. In the United States, the Transportation Security Administration created a special squad to investigate airports and airplanes. It took more than eight months to remove the remains of the World Trade Tower in New York. A memorial and museum have been constructed at the site and the building has been reconstructed there in a different design.
The World Trade Center building is now called the Freedom Tower. This earlier building is regarding 400 feet taller than the 1368 feet of the North Tower, which is 1776 feet tall.
The destroyed part of the Pentagon was rebuilt within a year and department staff started working there from August 2002.
Some facts
* On December 4, 1998, the American intelligence agency CIA gave important information regarding the terrorist attack. The CIA told then-President Bill Clinton that Bin Laden might attack by hijacking planes.
* The World Trade Center was also attacked earlier. On February 26, 1993, an explosion occurred in a parked vehicle near the World Trade Center, killing six people and injuring hundreds.
* Before 9/11, the United States had tried several times to kill Osama Bin Laden. But military officials said bin Laden always relied on tribal leaders in Afghanistan, so he might not go there and kill Osama.
* After the attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, the fire continued for 99 days. The fire of the September 11 attacks was extinguished on September 19, 2001. From this we can estimate how dangerous the attack is.
* The youngest person to die in the attack was Christine Lee Hanson, who was two years old and died on the plane with her parents. The oldest was 82-year-old Robert Norton, who was attending a wedding with his wife, Jacqueline.
* 343 New York City Firefighters died in the attack. This was regarding half of the line-of-duty deaths in the department’s 100-year history.
* After the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center, a large amount of debris was left behind. It took nine months to clear and remove around 18 lakh tonnes of waste from the centre.
Keywords: News, Washington, World, 9/11, September 11 Attack, History, America, 22 Years Since 9/11; What Exactly Happened On The Fateful September 11, 2001?
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