21st century, will it be the end of marriage?

2024-04-28 10:00:00

Marriage is a socioeconomic-affective contract that is created in siglo XlX. In truth, it arises from the economic need to guarantee the inheritance to the transcendence of children. That is, it is related to the patriarchal politics of the time where the man’s role was that of provider for the family.

Social practices are naturalized, but if we study them throughout the history of humanity we perceive that they are transforming and correspond to a certain era. Thus, at the beginning of the 19th century the marriage It was based on romantic love and had a character of social mandateas well as being parents.

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For years, we in the research area have been attentive to the changes that occur in family and human ties in general. Particularly, in the Marriage Daywhich is celebrated every year on the fourth Sunday of April, it would be pertinent to provide some historical reflections on its birth and the current view that exists in society.

The modern western society was aimed at obtaining security long term. According to the sociologist and philosopher Zygmunt Bauman, in all areas of life (work, love, savings, etc.) marriage was a strategy to achieve strength and durability in ties. Thus, the legitimation of the institution of marriage arises as warned by Dr. in psychology, Mabel Burin; and together with it, it was established as part of the goods that provided security to people.

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Marriage was the form of social reproduction that, above all things, generated a plot linka source of support emotional/intimate for each member of the couple.

The postmodernity is a society of consumption. There is no long-term projection in any area of ​​daily life, nothing generates security more than personal effort, and time is present. The risk is assessed; the most constant is the change and the incessant search for new consumer objects along with immediate and personal pleasure.

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Nowadays there is, in some age groups, the desire to find a partner who provides support, company and support so they can carry out their own personal projects.

Most people do not believe that love is “till death do us part” and they do not long for marriage. They do not want to lose your personal freedomand many times they do not even believe they tolerate a coexistence. They want a partner, but not based on “romantic love.” Rather, they believe that it has to last as long as it is “useful” for each of the members, in their personal project.

That is, they prioritize individuality and the freedom al stable pair bond. Sexuality is separated from the love relationship and pleasure and the new are sought.

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In the middle of the 20th century, the social transformation of the female gender It caused a modification in the social practice of marriage. The woman joins the labor market (she no longer needs a male provider), the contraceptive pill appears (therefore, the woman takes ownership of her body and the right to enjoy it), and equality of rights is sought. gender.

Thus, the woman’s desire is separated from the cultural mandate of marriage, and seeks independence, freedom, prioritizes professional career development, among many other things. We think that this very individualistic search requires social over-adaptation, attempting to replace the intimate bonding fabric with the magical solution of the tireless search for substitute satisfactions that the world inexhaustibly offers. consumer market.

We consider that the increase in mental illnesses such as depression, panic attacks and burnout are due to this very individualistic position, which has cut the ties of the emotional bonding network and leaves the subject always on the brink of an abyss. without intimate containment network.

*Teacher of the Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, researcher in socio-community psychology, UADE.

#21st #century #marriage



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