21 countries plus EU demand independent verification of elections

The European Union and 21 countries issued a statement on Friday, August 16 in Santo Domingo, to express their concern about the situation in Venezuela

“We urge that democratic principles, as well as the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all Venezuelans, be respected, particularly the right to peaceful protest and exercise freedom of expression. We are concerned that this is not the current reality in Venezuela. The reports of arbitrary detentions of Venezuelans without due process are alarming, and we therefore demand their immediate release.”they noted.

They expressed their “deep rejection of the repression of protesters and the violence that has cost the lives of many Venezuelans in the post-electoral context” and They did “an urgent call for the Venezuelan authorities to end the violence and release all those who have been detained, including opposition representatives.”

The group took note of the preliminary report of the United Nations Panel of Experts on the presidential elections in Venezuela, which states that the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela has not yet presented the electoral records that support the veracity of the results announced on August 2.

Accordingly, they requested “the immediate publication of all the original minutes and the impartial and independent verification of these results, preferably by an international entity, to guarantee respect for the will of the Venezuelan people as expressed at the polls. Any delay in this happening calls into question the results officially published on August 2, 2024.”.

The signatories committed themselves “to support all efforts in this regard, always advocating for a genuinely Venezuelan solution in which democracy, justice, peace and security prevail.”

The following signed the statement: The Republic of Argentina, Canada, Republic of Chile, Czech Republic, Republic of Costa Rica, Republic of Ecuador, Kingdom of Spain, United States of America, Republic of Guatemala, Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Italian Republic, Kingdom of Morocco, Kingdom of the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Republic of Panama, Republic of Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Portuguese Republic, Dominican Republic, Republic of Suriname, Eastern Republic of Uruguay, European Union.

To read the full statement, click here:

#countries #demand #independent #verification #elections
2024-08-21 13:11:30



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