2036-2040 Olympic Games: Candidacy prospects for Florence and Tuscany

2036-2040 Olympic Games: Candidacy prospects for Florence and Tuscany

2024-08-18 12:36:46

As Italy prepares to host the 2026 Winter Olympics, there are calls today for bids to host larger events, the Olympics and Summer Paralympics, with a possible event around Florence and Tuscany.

(Courtesy – City of Florence)

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(Courtesy – City of Florence)

DIn the entire history of the Summer Olympics, Italy has hosted the event only once, in Rome in 1960. Since then, the peninsula has tried its luck several times to take over the summer torch, but never succeeded, between disappointments during the Olympic vote and disastrous abandonments, especially on the Rome 2020 and 2024 projects.

However, with the 2024 Paris Olympics ending on August 11,It was a huge fortnight of sporting events due to the quality of the venues mobilized and the unprecedented public enthusiasm inside and outside the stadiumssome people today start dreaming of new Italian ambitions.

if “City of Light” After waiting a century to see the Olympics again, after a failed candidacy and sometimes tense relations with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the French capital has finally restored ties and trust to host the 2024 Games.

It must be admitted that this long journey may actually Inspiring Italian authorities to seek candidacy for the Summer Olympics. Of course, before that can happen, the authorities must first focus on delivery – confusing in some ways – the 2026 Winter Olympics in Milan-Cortina, before focusing on the possible hosting of the 2028 Youth Olympic Games in Lombardy, where the Milan region is currently in targeted dialogue with the IOC.

However, if the first of the two above-mentioned activities is successful, the momentum around new summer projects could soon emerge on the other side of the Alps, if public authorities are to support the projects undertaken By Giovanni Mar Hosted by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), chaired by Giovanni Malago.

The latter indeed had Strong words as Rome prepares to pull out of 2024 Olympics. But that announcement didn’t stop CONI from submitting its candidacy for the Winter Olympics a few months later, with success as we know it, Milan-Cortina 2026 successfully beat the Swedish candidate Stockholm-Åre in June 2019.

As Giovanni Malago said in mid-September 2016:

In the next 30 or 50 years, we will say goodbye to the Olympics.

[…] Campaigning has become a complex game, no longer just about sports, but now half about politics.

Lucid, who has been a member of the International Olympic Committee since 2019, made this observation amid very tense local politics, Rome’s new mayor, Virginia Raggi, has finally followed through on her threat and will not support Rome’s candidacy. “The Eternal City”. The Italian sports powerhouse also made this observation in light of the country’s sudden withdrawal from its candidacy for the 2020 Rome Olympics. Political and economic reasons, this time a decision taken at the Trans-Alpine levels of government.

Then, Milan-Cortina’s 2026 candidacy is not immune to political tensions wait There were other territorial disputes even during preparationswhich is certainly the same as a possible candidacy for the Summer Olympics, provided the parties are identified who will be asked to embody the project and host the global event when the time comes.

Matteo Renzi, former mayor of Florence and former president of the Italian Council, June 2024 (Photo credit – Matteo Renzi / Official Facebook page)

In recent days, Matteo Renzi has expressed his views on the issue in any case.

As explained by former President of the Italian Council (2014-2016) on social networks X (predecessor-twitter)August 12, 2024, the day after the Closing Ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics:

I admit it. The Olympics are driving me crazy. They embody the triumph of sport and therefore of the most beautiful human values. This is why we launched the Rome 2024 campaign: it would be great if there was one. Now that the emotions are archived in the heart, two things need to be done.

First: Prevent government attempts to control the management of CONI. Sports are and must remain independent.

Second: Dream about the future. We missed the 2024 train, but now is the time to plan for the next opportunity. The 2028 Olympics will be held in Los Angeles, in 2032 in Australia, in 2036 in Asia, and hopefully in India.

If we want to have a chance, we have to wait for the 2040 European cycle, where Roma have eliminated themselves. Milan will host the Winter Olympics.

It’s the turn of another Italian territory.

In the same publication, the former mayor of Florence (2009-2014) and an Italian Democratic figure went further, raising the possibility of a possible candidacy for the city, cradle and flagship of the Renaissance.

As Matteo Renzi explains:

I really hope for Florence and Tuscany: they have everything to host the Olympics. Think about the global glory of the Tuscan Olympics, it will be a media bomb, how beautiful!

[…] A project like this takes years, but it can make a difference. Just give it a try.

Like a true appeal, the Florentine is here trying to awaken the ambitions of a territory that was a brief candidate for the 1976 Olympics.

In any case, Matteo Renzi should reiterate the position he has already shared with the Tuscany president in the coming months.

In fact, before the opening of the Paris edition, Eugenio Giani proposed Tuscany’s candidacy and wanted to move beyond this single framework.

as announced leader regional on social networks Facebook Evening of July 23rd:

I will address my friends in Emilia-Romagna to restart the Olympic project between our two regions.

I will work on the Tuscany-Emilia 2036 project because, as the Tour de France from Tuscany proves, the Olympic Games are a unique opportunity to attract global attention.

In view of the Paris Olympics, I believe that our sports policy creates favorable conditions for the 10,600 sports clubs in Tuscany, one of the regions with the highest number of athletes in Paris.

Eugenio Giani, President of Tuscany, Italy (Photo source – Eugenio Giani / Official Facebook page)

Although Florence could, if necessary, take on the colors of Italy’s bid to host the Summer Olympics, it is clear that such a project must be based on a regional concept in order to create synergies with other cities and regions that should be identified.

The plan, which refers to the concept developed by the regions of Lombardy, Trentino Alto Adige and Veneto to host the 2026 Olympic Games, must also take into account the lessons learned from the Olympic reform in order to limit the Long-term development, otherwise it will have no impact.

There is no doubt that the remarks of the two regional figures of the Italian Democratic Party will be commented and scrutinized on a political micro scale – In particular, Council President Giorgia Meloni and those close to him on the far right and the populist right – but also in cooperation with the International Olympic Committee, even though CONI has not yet formally declared an interest.

On this final point, however, it should be remembered that the new decision-making process for future hosts allows competitors to proceed masked while engaging in advanced discussions with the Olympic bodies, without having to reveal their identities publicly.

The coming months will certainly indicate the direction, if any, Italy will take in pursuing its Olympic and Paralympic fortunes by staging a Summer Games quickly after Milan-Cortina 2026 , or take more time to implement.

Territorial delimitation must also take place simultaneously with calendar determination. If Matteo Renzi mentions 2040 and Eugenio Giani mentions 2036, it currently seems more likely to target the more distant of the two versions, Several European candidates have more or less formally positioned themselves.

#Olympic #Games #Candidacy #prospects #Florence #Tuscany



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