2025 Grant Cutters: Identifying Those Most Likely to Be Neglected

The Government is proceeding with the reinforcement of three basic OPECA subsidies, from January 1, 2025, but with the introduction of movable and immovable property criteria

In addition to the current income criterion for the payment of the Guaranteed Minimum Income, child benefit and housing benefit two more “cutters” are coming as reported yesterday by the Minister of Social Cohesion and Family, Sofia Zaharakis, specifying the measures announced at the TIF for demographics and family support.

The new criteria for the granting of benefits to families are expected to be “locked” in the cabinet at the end of September. With the introduction of real estate and movable property criteria, many who currently receive benefits will lose them, with the minister stressing that the goal is a fairer distribution of benefits and the support of those who are really in need. “The benefit policy must be governed by the greatest possible degree of justice and we must certainly constantly make sure that it does not breed greater injustice,” the minister characteristically noted.

In particular:

1. The Minimum Guaranteed Income increases from 216 euros and 54 euros, to 250 euros and 75 euros for each child and the income limits increase accordingly, but with targeted criteria for real estate, movable property and deposits.

2. The housing allowance is increased from 70 euros, to 125 euros and 75 euros, depending on the income scale, plus a 30% increase for each child, but with targeted real estate and deposit criteria, while a movable property criterion is also introduced.

3. In the child allowance:

The second and third income scales of the child allowance are combined into one, and thus the child allowance of the third income scale increases from 28 euros per child to 45 euros per child and 90 euros for the third child and subsequent ones.
The first scale is increased as is the new scale of the Minimum Guaranteed Income to 75 euros and further to 150 euros and a third child and so on. In addition, property criteria for movable and immovable property that currently do not exist are introduced, which will be expanded in relation to the other benefits. Example: A couple with 2 children with no income from the above will receive 535 euros, while they received 432 euros monthly.

4. It will not be counted at the income limits so that there is an incentive to work the percentage of the income from salaried work (20% in Child and Housing Allowance and 30% in the Minimum Guaranteed Income).

Source: newsbeast.gr

#Benefits #Cutters #grant #risk #left

How will the introduction of movable and immovable property criteria affect eligibility ‌for OPECA subsidies?

Government Introduces New Criteria for OPECA Subsidies: Movable and Immovable Property to Play a Key Role

The Greek government has announced plans to ⁢reinforce three basic OPECA subsidies, effective January 1, 2025, with⁢ the ​introduction ⁤of movable and immovable property criteria. According to the Minister of Social Cohesion and Family, Sofia Zaharakis, the new measures aim to ensure a fairer distribution of benefits and support those who are genuinely in ‍need.

New Criteria⁢ to ‌Target Those in Need

In addition to the ⁤current income criterion for the‌ payment of the Guaranteed Minimum ​Income, child benefit, and housing benefit, two ​more critical⁢ factors will be taken‍ into account. The introduction of real estate ⁤and movable property criteria is ⁣expected to ​lead to a more targeted approach, ensuring that benefits reach those who require them most.

Reform Details to be Finalized by September

The new criteria for the granting of benefits to ⁢families are expected to be finalized by the end of September. The Minister stressed that the goal is to create a more equitable system, where those who ‌are truly in need receive support. “The benefit policy must be governed by⁢ the greatest possible degree of justice, and we must certainly constantly make sure that it does not breed greater injustice,” Zaharakis noted.

Subsidy Reforms: Key Changes

The reforms will bring‍ about significant changes to the three⁢ OPECA subsidies:

  1. Minimum Guaranteed Income: The income limit will increase, with targeted criteria for real estate, movable property, and deposits. The Minimum Guaranteed Income will rise from 216 euros and 54 euros to ‌250‍ euros and 75 euros for each child.
  2. Housing Allowance: The allowance will increase from 70 euros ⁤to 125 euros and 75⁢ euros, depending‌ on the income scale. A 30% increase will be applied for each child, ‍with targeted real estate and deposit criteria. ‍A movable property criterion will also be introduced.
  3. Child⁣ Allowance:⁣ The second and third income scales will be combined, resulting in an increase in the child allowance from 28 euros per child to 45​ euros ‍per child and 90 euros for the third child and subsequent ones. The first scale will be increased, mirroring the new scale of ‌the Minimum Guaranteed Income, up to 75 euros and further to 150 euros.

Impact on Beneficiaries

The introduction of movable and immovable property criteria is expected to lead ⁣to a reduction in the number of beneficiaries, as ​those who do not⁢ meet⁢ the new requirements will no longer be eligible. The government’s goal is to ensure that benefits are allocated more effectively, supporting those who are genuinely ⁣in need.


The government’s decision to introduce movable and immovable property criteria for ‍OPECA subsidies marks a significant shift in the approach to ⁤social welfare. By targeting those who are most in need, the reforms aim to create a more just and equitable system. As the details of ⁤the reforms are finalized, it is clear that⁣ the Greek government‌ is committed to supporting vulnerable populations,⁣ while ensuring ⁣that resources are allocated‌ efficiently.

Keywords: OPECA subsidies, movable property criteria, immovable property ⁤criteria, Guaranteed⁤ Minimum Income, child benefit, housing​ benefit, social welfare, Greek ‍government,‌ Sofia Zaharakis, social cohesion, family support.

What are the new movable and immovable property criteria for OPECA subsidies?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the government’s introduction of movable and immovable property criteria for OPECA subsidies:

Government Reinforces OPECA Subsidies with Introduction of Movable and Immovable Property Criteria

The Greek government has announced plans to reinforce three basic OPECA subsidies, effective January 1, 2025, with the introduction of movable and immovable property criteria. The new measures aim to ensure a fairer distribution of benefits and support those who are genuinely in need. According to the Minister of Social Cohesion and Family, Sofia Zaharakis, the government is committed to creating a more equitable system, where those who are truly in need receive support.

New Criteria to Target Those in Need

In addition to the current income criterion for the payment of the Guaranteed Minimum Income, child benefit, and housing benefit, two more critical factors will be taken into account. The introduction of real estate and movable property criteria is expected to lead to a more targeted approach, ensuring that benefits reach those who require them most.

Reform Details to be Finalized by September

The new criteria for the granting of benefits to families are expected to be finalized by the end of September. The Minister stressed that the goal is to create a more equitable system, where those who are truly in need receive support. “The benefit policy must be governed by the greatest possible degree of justice, and we must certainly constantly make sure that it does not breed greater injustice,” Zaharakis noted.

Subsidy Reforms: Key Changes

The reforms will bring about significant changes to the three OPECA subsidies:

Minimum Guaranteed Income: The income limit will increase, with targeted criteria for real estate, movable property, and deposits. The Minimum Guaranteed Income will rise from 216 euros and 54 euros to 250 euros and 75 euros for each child.

Housing Allowance: The allowance will increase from 70 euros to 125 euros and 75 euros, depending on the income scale. A 30% increase will be applied for each child, with targeted real estate and deposit criteria. A



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