2024 Faceoff: Poll Trends in the Kamala Harris and Donald Trump Race

2024-09-12 18:29:48

September 9, 2024



September 12, 2024

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are neck and neck in the US presidential election. They will have the task of convincing the still undecided states this Tuesday, during a televised debate.

After a summer full of twists and turns, the campaign for the American presidential election continues in the fall, with Kamala Harris and Donald Trump leading a relentless fight for the keys to the White House. They have until November 5 to convince the (great) American electors.

Cand Tuesday, September 10, in Philadelphia, The two candidates faced each other for the first time in a televised debate – one of their last chances to stand out.

For now, (almost all) Polls put US Vice President in the leadwho joined the race on July 21, replacing Joe Biden at short notice. Kamala Harris has managed to revive enthusiasm in the Democratic camp, after a disastrous end to the campaign for the current American president.

So, after the debate between the two candidates, the voters overwhelmingly believe she won, The Democratic vice president leads the Republican by 47% to 42%increasing its lead, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll that closed on Thursday.

The poll, conducted over two days, shows Harris with a five-point lead among registered voters, compared with a four-point lead in the Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted Aug. 21-28. Among those who watched Tuesday’s debate, 53% say Harris wonwhile 24% think Trump won, with the rest taking no position. About 52% of those watching the debate think Trump seemed struggling and less sharp, compared to 21% for Harris. Among Republican voters, one in five believe Trump has fallen short.

Some 52% of voters who followed the debate think that Harris “appeared to have greater moral integrity”compared to 29% for Trump. Even among Republicans, many were not convinced by their candidate’s performance. Fifty-three percent of Republicans polled think Trump won the debate, compared to 91% of Democrats who think Harris is the big winner. Among Republicans, 31% say neither won, and 14% think Harris outperformed Trump.

91% of registered voters say they watched at least part of the debateand 44% say they have heard a lot about it.

From George Clooney to Beyoncé, and more recently Taylor Swift, many celebrities have expressed their support for the candidate. On the political side, in addition to the support of Democratic figures such as Barack Obama, the American vice president has received the notable support from several Republican figuresincluding Dick Cheney, George W. Bush’s former vice president, and his daughter Liz, a former anti-Trump congresswoman.

Poll results to be taken with a pinch of salt

But the race is tight. And if she has established herself as a serious and unifying candidate, Kamala Harris continues to be criticized for her lack of concrete measures.

A New York Times/Siena College study published Sunday defies the results of other polls and gives Donald Trump a one percentage point lead. The billionaire, despite his legal troubles and his higher disapproval rating (52.7%, compared to 46.7% for his rival), thus remains in a position to become president of the United States again next January.

Poll results should nevertheless be taken with caution. In 2016, they underestimated the vote for the Republican businessman, who then upset all predictions by winning against Hillary Clinton, who was the clear favorite.

Especially since the American election is decided by indirect universal suffrage and the whole issue is concentrated on a handful of key stateshighly contested, to obtain the majority of the electoral college, which will designate the future president.


The candidate who obtains at least 270 of the 538 votes in the electoral college will be elected president.

Who’s leading in the swing states?

These pivotal states, les “swing states”are the undecided states, capable of switching to the Democratic or Republican camp.

Donald Trump et Kamala Harris se disputent sept “swing states”: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and WisconsinThey count a total of 93 votes from the electors.

The candidate who obtains at least 270 of the 538 votes in the electoral college will be elected president.

Currently, Kamala Harris leads in Michigan and Wisconsinwhile Donald Trump is the favorite in Arizona and North Carolina. But, except in Wisconsin, their lead does not exceed 2%.

Everything can still be played out in Pennsylvaniawhere one of the two candidates could win the jackpot (19 electors), but also in Georgia (16) and Nevada (6).

What are the concerns of voters?

According to the latest polls, Economy remains top concern of American votersas the number of jobs created in August in the United States fell short of analysts’ expectations. Other recurring themes include: abortion, immigration and inflation.

On these issues, Donald Trump continues to exploit the fear of migration. He had thus announced a massive “expulsion operation” of migrants in the event of a presidential victory.

Kamala Harris, for her part, can count on significant support for abortion rights, which have become the main concern of women under 45, according to a poll conducted by the New York Times.

Who raised the most money?

Another advantage for the Democratic candidate: the sums collected by her campaign team. In total, Kamala Harris has raised more than $489 million, including $361 million in August alone. With less than two months to go until the election, it still has a fresh money reserve of more than $200 million. And she intends to move up a gear, particularly in terms of election advertising.

Donald Trump, for his part, can still spend $151 million.out of 268.5 million collected.

Upcoming major dates

  • September 10: first televised debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.
  • November 5th: presidential election day.
  • December 17: vote of the great electors.
  • January 20, 2025: inauguration of the President of the United States.

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How does‍ the Electoral College influence ‍the outcome of the 2024 United States presidential election between ⁢Kamala Harris and Donald Trump?

2024‌ United States Presidential Election: Kamala‌ Harris ⁤and‌ Donald Trump Neck and Neck

The 2024 United States presidential election is ​heating up, with Kamala Harris and Donald Trump currently neck and neck in the polls. The two candidates faced off in a televised debate on September 10 in Philadelphia, marking one of their last chances⁣ to win ‍over undecided voters before the election ⁤on November 5.

According ⁣to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, Harris has taken the lead with 47% of the‌ vote, compared to Trump’s 42% [[3]]. The poll, conducted over two ‌days, shows Harris with⁣ a five-point lead among ⁢registered voters, compared to ‍a four-point lead in the⁢ Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted August 21-28. Furthermore, 53% of voters who watched the debate believe Harris won, while 24% think⁣ Trump ​won, with‍ the rest ⁣taking no position.

The election process in the⁣ United States is a complex one, with each ⁤state holding a separate election to choose​ electors who will then cast direct votes,⁤ known as electoral votes, for president and vice president [[1]]. The candidate who receives an absolute majority of⁤ electoral votes wins‍ the presidency.

In the current election, Harris has managed to revive enthusiasm in the Democratic camp, after a disastrous end to the campaign for the current American ⁣president. She has received notable ‌support from ‍several Republican figures, including Dick Cheney, George W. Bush’s former​ vice president, and his daughter Liz, a former anti-Trump congresswoman [[3]].

Trump, ​on the other hand,⁤ has been struggling to ‌convince voters, with 52% of those who⁤ watched the debate thinking he seemed ⁢struggling and less sharp, compared⁤ to 21% for Harris.​ Even among Republican voters, one in five believe Trump has fallen short.

Celebrities such as George ⁢Clooney, Beyoncé, and Taylor Swift have also expressed their support for‌ Harris. With the‍ election just around the corner, it⁤ remains to be seen who will come out on top ⁣in this fierce⁤ battle for the White House.

How the​ President is Elected

In the United States, the president is elected through a process ⁤known ‍as the Electoral College [[2]]. Each ‍state is allocated a certain number of electoral votes based on ‍its population, with a total of ⁢538 electoral ​votes available. The candidate who⁢ wins the majority of the electoral votes, at⁣ least 270, wins the presidency.

The election process begins with primaries and caucuses, ‍where ⁢candidates vie for their party’s nomination. The‌ nominated candidates ⁤then go on to participate in a national campaign, debating and​ campaigning across the‌ country. On election day, voters cast ballots for their​ preferred candidate, and the candidate who wins the most votes in each⁤ state is awarded that state’s electoral votes.

the electors meet in ⁣their ​respective states to cast their electoral votes for president and vice president. The ⁤candidate who receives the majority of the‌ electoral ⁣votes ⁣is declared the winner⁣ and becomes the President of ⁣the United States.

As the⁣ 2024 presidential ‍election approaches, it is essential​ to ‌understand the complexities of⁣ the ⁢election ⁣process and the‌ role each candidate plays in it.⁤ With Harris and Trump currently neck and neck, the outcome⁢ of this election is far from ⁣certain, and only time will tell ⁢who will emerge​ victorious.



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