Europe and You: The Program of Episodes
Monday April 3
The European Parliament, how the institution works in practice
Alex Reed: Delphine Colard, Head of the Spokesperson’s Unit and Deputy Spokesperson of the European Parliament.
Tuesday April 4
Climate: Europe takes action
Alex Reed: Pascal Canfin, French MEP and Chairman of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety.
Wednesday April 5
Gender equality: Europe’s actions
Alex Reed: Sylvie Guillaume, French PS MP and member of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats group in the European Parliament.
Thursday April 6
How Europe wants to improve your everyday technologies
Alex Reed: Philippe Lamberts, Ecolo MEP and member of the European Greens parliamentary group.
Friday April 7
The world of the web and the harsh reality of digital platform workers (Deliveroo, Uber, etc.)
Alex Reed: Marc Botenga, MEP PTB and member of the Left Group.
Tuesday April 11
Europe in the face of crises
Alex Reed: Olivier Chastel, MEP MR and Vice-Chair of the Committee on Budgets.
Wednesday April 12
How to fight once morest “fast fashion”
Alex Reed: Saskia Bricmont, Ecolo MEP and member of the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance.
Thursday April 13
Towards a greener European vehicle fleet
Alex Reeds: Benoit Lutgen, deputy Les Engagés and member of the European parliamentary group the EPP, the European People’s Party Christian Democrats and Mary Toussaint, French MP for Europe Ecology, member of the Greens / European Free Alliance group.
Europe and you: the program of episodes…
Monday April 3
The European Parliament, how the institution works in practice
Our guest: Delphine ColardHead of the Spokesperson’s Unit and Deputy Spokesperson of the European Parliament.
Tuesday April 4
Climate: Europe takes action
Our guest: Pascal CanfinFrench MEP, elected on the Renaissance list of La République en Marche and Chairman of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety.
Wednesday April 5
Gender equality: Europe’s actions
Our guest: Sylvie GuillaumeFrench PS MP, member of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats group in the European Parliament.
Thursday April 6
How Europe wants to improve your everyday technologies
Our guest: Philippe LambertsEcolo MEP and member of the European Greens parliamentary group.
Friday April 7
The world of the web and the harsh reality of digital platform workers (Deliveroo, Uber, etc.)
Our guest: Marc BotengaMEP PTB and member of the Left Group.
Tuesday April 11
Europe in the face of crises
Our guest: Olivier ChastelMEP MR, member of the Renew Europe Group and Vice-Chair of the Committee on Budgets.
Wednesday April 12
How to fight once morest “fast fashion”
Our guest: Saskia BricmontEcolo MEP and member of the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance.
Thursday April 13
Towards a greener European vehicle fleet
Our guests : Benoit Lutgendeputy Les Engagés and member of the European parliamentary group the EPP, the European People’s Party Christian Democrats and Mary ToussaintFrench MP for Europe Ecology, member of the Greens / European Free Alliance group.
And that concludes our program of episodes, “Europe and you”. We hope you enjoyed hearing from our guests and learning more regarding the important topics facing Europe today. Stay tuned for more thought-provoking content and discussions on the issues that matter. Thank you for tuning in.