2023-12-19 17:06:00
Because of the domestic final consumption tax on electricity, electricity bills will increase by 130 euros in 2024!
Because of the domestic tax on final electricity consumption, electricity bills will increase by 130 euros in 2024! The French must prepare for a new rise in energy prices! THE electricity bills might well increase by 130 euros in 2024! Here is the reason.
The electricity bill will increase in 2024
With the rise in gas and electricity prices, the purchasing power of the French is increasingly fragile. According to the National Energy Mediator (MNE), seven out of ten French people have noticed an increase in the amount of their electricity bill.
Thus, eight out of ten people admit to having changed their consumption by reducing the use of heating in winter. And 31% of people say they have great difficulty paying their electricity bill and gas.
This is a case that mainly affects people under 35! The Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe) also reveals that 12 million French people suffer from energy poverty.
Alas, things are not going to get better in 2024… Because the electricity bill will still experience a significant increase! This is due to the final domestic consumption tax, which the State implemented on Thursday December 14, 2023.
Imagine that a new budget has been established. This results from the new 49.3. It therefore includes an article affirming the increase in the tax which was already at the strict minimum towards the end of 2021.
In fact, that year, it was 1 euro per Mg, compared to 32 euros. The State therefore decided to implement a tax increase. And this, as part of the installation of the tariff shield. It is therefore a hard blow for the French!
Please note that this amount should not be revalued before 2025. Our colleagues from La Plasturgie point out that the “ tax rebate marked a shortfall of 9 billion euros per year for public finances. »
130 euros to pay more for the French on electricity bills
Another very bad news for the French! This increase represents 130 euros less in their invoices electricity. An announcement which has the merit of being very disappointing for those who are already struggling to make ends meet because of inflation.
They will have to pay 15 euros of TICFE per MWh. So to avoid having an excessively explosive bill, it is necessary to pay close attention to your consumption. Eh yes ! You should remember to unplug devices in standby mode.
Because even if they are not turned on, know that they consume just as much. Especially computers which tend to use a lot of energy. The same goes for the TV… And all the chargers which remain on the mains.
All this increases the facture ! And that’s not all ! Because you also have the possibility of reducing the heating, turning off the lights and appliances that you are not using. It is also better to use the shower instead of the bath.
And this, in order to save not only water, but also electricity. Also opt for well-classified machines. The Letter A is not placed at random! It means that they will consume less than normal.
And that’s not all ! It is recommended to replace your heater with an oil model. Same for the lamps! It is better to choose LED lights to reduce its electricity bill.
You have therefore understood that there are plenty of solutions to avoid the increase in electricity bill. It is therefore up to you to choose the one that suits you best.
Shay Coquelit
Hi, I’m Shay, web editor specializing in celebrity news and TV shows. Since I was little, I have loved following the Cannes festival. For six months, I have been writing articles in the People, cinema and media section. My passion for these fields is reflected in each of my articles. Stay tuned to Tuxboard for my latest news and analysis!
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