2023 Solidaris Well-Being Barometer: Financial Struggles for One in Five Belgian French Speakers

2023-12-18 05:32:09

One in five French-speaking Belgians (21.5%) cannot make ends meet or is not getting by financially, according to the 2023 Confidence and Well-Being Barometer of the socialist mutuality Solidaris on Monday. The composite index which measures the average general condition, however, confirms the increase already measured in 2022, standing at 53.3.

Every year since 2015, Solidaris has interviewed a thousand people on more than 200 questions relating to their well-being, their objective living conditions but also their interpersonal relationships, their relationship to work or even to politics and institutions. For this 8th year, the composite index which measures this average general condition confirms the increase measured in 2022, standing at 53.3.

However, behind the averages there are sometimes very different realities for individuals, depending on socialist mutuality. Women thus remain at an index of 49.4 (stable over one year), while men record an increase of 5.5% to reach 57.4. Women suffer more from much more complicated working conditions and a much more complicated private/professional life balance, Solidaris analyzes.

With an index of 43.4, single-parent families show a decrease of 21.5% over 8 years, while people unable to work, who have an average index of 30, record a decrease of 17.7% over this period. same period.

Other profiles, however, seem to be doing a little better than others in the short term, notes the socialist mutuality: workers, those under 40 and couples.

#Frenchspeaking #Belgians #financially #struggling #ends #meet

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