2023 Political Courage Prize Winners: Embracing Moderation and Unity in Belgian Politics

2023-12-20 10:18:21

The B Plus steering committee chose to award the 2023 “Political Courage Prize” on Wednesday to emeritus professor Bruno De Wever (Ugent), on the one hand, and to the Minister of Education in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation Caroline Désir ( PS) on the other hand.

The winners of the prize are always chosen by the management of B Plus, which presents itself as “a pluralist movement advocating for a modern, federal and united Belgium”. These are, in principle, personalities who, over the past year, have distinguished themselves by their attitudes or their moderate positions on questions affecting relations between the linguistic communities in Belgium.

According to the committee, Bruno De Wever, brother of the mayor of Antwerp and president of the N-VA Bart De Wever, “considers the versatility and the art of compromise practiced in the Belgian context as assets.” “This year it was specifically chosen because of its consistent highlighting of the mechanisms of national formation hidden behind the publication of the “Flemish Canon” and the dissemination of Het Verhaal van Vlaanderen (“The History of Flanders”)” , details B Plus. “He sees it as his task to warn against identities imposed from above. He believes that it is not the role of the state to promote a particular version of history as the only correct or true one.”

As for Caroline Désir, B Plus welcomes “the decision in principle to generalize the teaching of other national languages ​​in French-speaking schools, from the 3rd year of primary school.” “This sign of respect demonstrates the desire not to separate from each other,” believes the committee, which now calls for “making good intentions a reality”.

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