2023: more health with naturopathy


Due to the speed of the global rebirth of Natural Health during the year 2022, an immediate future of triumphs and victories can be projected, both in terms of ideas and in the field of accomplished facts.

In other words, the philosophy of Integral Health will continue to be consolidated (respecting the endogenous/exogenous natural interconnection and interdependence) and the practice of integrative medicine will be deepened (recognizing and twinning all the medicines that humanity has).

2023 will be a year of more health with Naturopathy.

To maintain this positive perspective, from Venezuela, we rely on several events that occurred, especially the following:

a) In the international arena.

  • FIRST ANDEAN CONGRESS OF NATUROPATHY, with headquarters in Lima, Peru. (Feb 12 and 13). Promoted by the Hispanic American Forum of Naturopathy (FHN). Venezuela had a large spokesperson with 12 presentations.


  • Inauguration of the WHO WORLD CENTER FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE in Jamnagar, Gujarat, India. (21 April) by agreement of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Government of India.

  • Celebration of 100 YEARS OF THE PRACTICE OF NATUROPATHY IN SPAIN (May 21). Country that kept indicating the way with an extensive and nourished program of naturopathic congresses organized by the OCN-FENACO directed by our friend Manuel Navarro.

  • FIRST CONFERENCE OF ORIGINAL MEDICINES OF THE WORLD, held in Montserrat (Barcelona), Spain on May 28-29.


  • EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON TRADITIONAL, COMPLEMENTARY AND INTEGRATIVE MEDICINES held in Belgium (June 14) by the TCIM Interest Group of the European Parliament and the EUROCAM organization.

  • V HISPANO-AMERICAN MEETING OF NATUROPATHY held in Guatemala City (Guatemala) from June 24 to 29. An event organized by FHN.

  • FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF BIOINTEGRATIN MEDICINE AND OXIDATIVE THERAPIES – VENEZUELA (Nov 25 to Dec 2). Held in Caracas and Puerto La Cruz with the star participation of Andreas Kalcker (Germany), Pablo Campra (Spain), Chinda Brandolino (Argentina), Antonio Añi (Japan), Carlos Gonzalez (Bolivia), María Teresa Ilari (Nicaragua) and Alberto Martin Bosh (Spain).

  • PANHISPANIC DICTIONARY OF NATUROPATHY presented by the OCN-Fenaco of Spain (Dec 15).

b) In Venezuela, there are:

  • Opening of the NATUROPATHIC CONSULTATION FOR ELDERLY ADULTS at the Armonía Care Center, an entity attached to the Bolívar state government. (May 9)

  • Conference “The Geopolitics of Health, Bacteriological Warfare, Bioelectronics and the Bolivarian Revolution”, given by Sirio Quintero, specialist in Nanotechnology applied to biomedicine, on May 17 at the Sidor Theater (Ciudad Guayana). Promoted by the Bolivarian University of Workers “Jesús Rivero” (UBTJR) and the Presidency of Sidor.

  • Baptism of the Book of Dr. Sirio Quintero, Geopolitical Vision of Health and Bio-Electro-Bacteriological Warfare. October 05. In the Sidor Art Room. Promoters UBTJR and Sidor.

  • RIGHT TO SPEAK in session of the Permanent Commission of Education, Health, Science, Technology and Innovation of the National Assembly to present the advances and needs in Natural Medicines and Complementary Therapies (Oct 5). Spokesperson for María Silva, legislator from Lara and José Miguel Rondón, President of Copermenat.

  • I INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF NATUROPATHY AND IX OF NATURAL MEDICINES AND COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES held in Barquisimeto (Lara). From October 12 to 15 promoted by Copermenat, Asovenat, FHN and the Legislative Council of Lara.

  • RECOGNITION OF NATUROPATHY by the Legislative Council of Lara State (CLEL). Public institution that held for the first time in the country’s parliamentary history, a Special Session on the occasion of “National Naturopath Day”, granted the Order “Dr. José Ángel Álamo” in its Unique Class (Necklace, Medal, Button and Pin) to the Orator of Order, José Miguel Rondón with the title of Doctor of Natural Medicines and delivered certificates of recognition to natural health professionals with a long and recognized career, to those who fought once morest covid-19, to those who investigate, to those who promote, protect and defend natural health and of course those who worked on the development and approval of the Law for the Protection and Defense of Natural Health in the state of Lara. There were recognitions for: Roberto Narvaez, Francisco Lau, Antonio Rumbos, Elpido Garrigó, Filiberto Tua, Javier Nouel, German Alberti, Alexis León, Renne Moreno, Febe Aular, Jessica Lalama, Axana Venero, Ixora Roo, Antonio Castro and Alexis Adarfio.

  • APPOINTMENT OF THE PROPOSAL OF THE NATURAL HEALTH TITLE for the new Organic Law of Health that is currently being debated in the Permanent Commission of Education, Health, Science, Technology and Innovation of the National Assembly (8 Dec).

  • HEALTH GARDENS that are developed in Bolívar state parks as a policy of the state government.

  • LAW PROPOSALS FOR THE PROMOTION AND DEFENSE OF NATURAL HEALTH FOR THE STATES OF CARABOBO AND ANZOÁTEGUI, presented before the parliaments for the corresponding debates by the community of professionals in the sciences, arts and trades of naturopathy.

  • NATIONAL DEBATE ON THE RIGHT TO NATURAL HEALTH OF ELDERLY ADULTS, enshrined in the Organic Law for the Care and Development of Older Adults (LOPAM).


It is pertinent to consider contributions and collective and personal recognition, in this successful year 2022, as they are indicators of reason and strength.

a) Collectively, it is worth noting:

  • The great display that sustained the Hispanic American Forum of Naturopathy directed by our colleague Joselyn Toledo (Chile).

  • The consolidation in Venezuela of a team for the promotion and defense of natural health with the will, talent and willingness to activate in multiple spaces and situations, such as training, organization, care, legislation, research and development.

  • Expansion of links with organized Spanish-speaking naturopaths on three continents (America, Africa and Europe).

  • Advances in university policy for training in Natural Health.

  • International recognition received by Dr. José Miguel Rondón, precursor and promoter of natural medicines and complementary therapies in Venezuela, to whom the OCN-FENACO awarded the MAGISTER NATURA, which is the highest distinction of Naturopathy in Spain. (21 May).

b) Personally we have:

  • Doing Natural Health Journalism, we published 24 articles where we reviewed the big events, we proposed Healthy Spaces, we talked regarding Therapies once morest the so-called Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and of course we developed topics for the promotion and defense of natural health (medicines, therapies and practitioners).

  • We maintained the radio program “Venezuela Saludable” every Saturday on the powerful radio station Río 91.1 FM, from Ciudad Guayana we added a total of 33 broadcasts.

  • I presented the work “Andean League of Naturopaths” at the FIRST ANDEAN CONGRESS OF NATUROPATHY.

  • I participated in the V HISPANO-AMERICAN NATUROPATHY MEETING held in Guatemala City with the presentation “National Day of Naturopathy in our countries”.

  • I was a speaker at the Spanish tricongress called the IV Naturopathic Professional Congress of Castilla y León; II of Extremadura and II of Castilla – La Mancha (August 27) with the theme “Why is our health deteriorating? Solutions with Naturopathy”.

  • We took the paper “Let’s talk regarding Naturopathy” to the I INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF NATUROPATHY AND IX OF NATURAL MEDICINES AND COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES held in Barquisimeto (Lara).

  • On June 11 we joined the board of directors of the Hispano-American Forum of Naturopathy as SECRETARY.

  • We maintained the promotion and defense of the exercise of the Naturopathic profession from the spaces of the Caroní mayor’s office, the Armonía foundation and the private practice.

  • We appreciate the recognition we received from the Lara State Legislative Council.


All the favorable conditions are seen so that in 2023 humanity enjoys MORE HEALTH WITH NATUROPATHY and we can have and do:

  • Consolidate the WHO Strategy on Traditional Medicine 2024-2033.

  • Inaugurate a World Center for Natural Health in our America, similar to the one in India.

  • Develop a teaching center from the World Federation of Naturopathy (WNF for its acronym in English).

  • Hold Hispanic American and World Meetings on natural health.

  • Promote the use of biofrequency therapies on which Royal Rife and Ibrahim López García worked.

  • Include the Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Naturopathy in the virtual libraries of the WHO/PAHO.

  • Strengthen guilds such as the Hispano-American Naturopathy Forum (international), Copermenat and Asovenat (national), among others.

  • Include in the Organic Health Law that is being debated in the AN, a Title on Natural Health.

  • Develop the II International Congress of Naturopathy and the X Congress of Natural Medicines and Complementary Therapies in Bolívar state, Venezuela.

  • Strengthen the conscious use of medicinal, food and ornamental plants in Venezuela.

  • Massive knowledge regarding human cell feeding.

  • Legislate for the Defense and Protection of Natural Health in the states and municipalities of Venezuela.

  • Consolidate Interest Groups for the MNTC in the municipal, state and national parliaments of the Continent.

  • Create in Venezuela, enough Healthy Spaces for the elderly, as established by LOPAM.

  • Produce the Hispanoamerican Naturopathic Magazine proposed by Dr. José Miguel Rondón.



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