2023 High-Quality Development Forum of Listed Companies in Nantong, Jiangsu Province

2023-11-24 01:30:12

Xinhua News Agency, Nanjing, November 23 (Reporters Chen Shengwei and Yang Dingmiao) The 2023 High-Quality Development Forum of Listed Companies was held in Nantong, Jiangsu Province on November 23. More than 500 executives of listed companies, as well as academicians, experts and scholars, focused on the theme of “Advanced Manufacturing and New Productivity” to discuss the opportunities and paths for high-quality development of listed companies in the context of the new era, new journey, and new pattern.

Liu Jian, deputy president of Xinhua News Agency, said in his speech that high-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. The “newness” of new productivity lies in technological innovation; the “quality” of new productivity lies in taking the path of high-quality development. To cultivate new productive forces, we must vigorously promote entrepreneurship. With the inheritance and promotion of entrepreneurship from generation to generation, Chinese listed companies will surely achieve higher-level, higher-quality, and higher-competitive development. As the mouthpiece, eyes and ears of the Party Central Committee, and a think tank, Xinhua News Agency will faithfully perform its duties, continue to dig deep and report on the practical stories of listed companies promoting high-quality development, and better serve China-style modernization and enterprise development.

Hu Guangjie, Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province, said in his speech that in recent years, Jiangsu has conscientiously implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches on Jiangsu work, deeply implemented the innovation-driven development strategy, accelerated the construction of a strong manufacturing province, and vigorously promoted financial empowerment of the real economy. , its status in the overall national innovation situation has been continuously demonstrated, and the quality and quantity of listed companies have continued to rise. In the past three years, Jiangsu Province has added nearly 200 listed companies in strategic emerging industries, covering 16 advanced manufacturing clusters and 50 key industrial chains. Currently, there are 685 A-share listed companies in Jiangsu Province, ranking third in the country. Among them, the number of companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board and the Beijing Stock Exchange ranks first in the country. Nantong is the hometown of national entrepreneur Zhang Jian. We hope that all entrepreneurs will learn from Mr. Zhang Jian’s overall pattern of serving the country through industry, his great feelings of repaying society, and his courage to act with perseverance, carry forward Zhang Jian’s entrepreneurial spirit, and demonstrate the responsibility of entrepreneurs in the new era.

Cheng Jianping, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Normal University, said in his speech that industry and education are two aspects of the construction of a modern and powerful country. The rise and growth of industry relies on population and talents. Education brings together the power of the population and contributes talent dividends to the construction and development of industry. Today, China has embarked on a new journey to comprehensively build a modern socialist country. The relationship between industry and education should be closer and more closely integrated. In recent years, Beijing Normal University has explored new ways to promote regional balance and high-quality development through the cultivation and delivery of educational compound talents. Through the “Excellent Teacher Plan” and other programs, Beijing Normal University has focused on cultivating “Zhang Jian” talents in the new era. In the future, Beijing Normal University will implement this plan to create a “one county, one team” talent ecology and promote the formation of a sustainable and high-quality development model for counties.

Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhou Chenghu, Ouyang Minggao, and Huang Wei; Vice President of the Institute of Macroeconomics of the National Development and Reform Commission Song Gelong; Deputy General Manager of the Beijing Stock Exchange Sun Li; Chairman of Wanhua Chemical Liao Zengtai; Chairman of Zhongtian Technology Xue Jiping Other guests also delivered keynote speeches at the forum.

This forum is co-sponsored by the Nantong Municipal People’s Government of Jiangsu Province and China Securities Journal. (over)

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