2023 Doctor Clinical Training Matching Results: Analysis and Rankings of University Hospital Matches

2023-10-26 08:07:45

The final results of the 2023 Doctor Clinical Training Matching, which will determine the clinical training destinations from April 2024, were announced on October 26th, and the m3.com editorial department compiled the results for each university hospital main hospital, and found that the number of matches for the recruitment capacity was 21 out of 81 universities achieved a match rate (capacity fill rate) of 100%, the highest number since m3.com began compiling data in 2008. However, full matches were concentrated in urban areas such as Tokyo and Osaka, and in rural areas, many universities were far below their capacity. The total number of patients at the main university hospital was 2,593, down from 2,659 in 2022.The ratio of university graduate schools to the total number of matches (8968 people) was 28.9% (for detailsPhysician Clinical Training Matching Council Home Page)。

An analysis of the main schools of 81 universities excluding the National Defense Medical Academy shows that the 21 universities with full matches are concentrated in eight prefectures: Tokyo, Kanagawa, Aichi, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, and Fukuoka, and 90% of them are in urban areas. universities lined up. While the overall number of medical residents at university hospitals is decreasing, the number of full-match universities is increasing, likely due to medical students’ preference for urban areas.

On the other hand, in 11 universities, the match rate for the main school was below 30%. Five of these universities were in the Tohoku region.

The University of Tokyo had the most matches, with a match rate of 100%, with 97 people. The University of Medicine and Dentistry followed with 94 people, followed by Kyoto University with 71 people. According to the “Interim Announcement” on September 29th, the University of Tokyo was ranked 1st, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University was 2nd, and Medical and Dental University was 3rd.“The University of Tokyo ranks first for 4 consecutive years – 2023 matching interim period”).

At Kanazawa Medical University (34 people), Asahikawa Medical University (31 people), Kawasaki Medical University (27 people), Oita University (18 people), and Hirosaki University (1 person), 100% of the matches were from their own universities. was.

(From the final results for 2023 published by the Physician Clinical Training Matching Council, only the main hospitals of university hospitals are ranked in descending order of “match rate (capacity fill rate)”. If the rate is tied, the facilities with the highest number of “matched persons” are ranked. (Listed at the top)

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