“2023 Chongqing 6.18 E-commerce Festival: Shop, Save and Celebrate with 200M Yuan in Coupons”

2023-04-26 23:28:52

The 2023 Chongqing 6.18 E-commerce Festival will be held from April 28 to June 28, and 200 million yuan in consumer coupons will be issued

Release time: 2023-04-27

release time:2023-04-27

On April 26, a reporter from Chongqing Daily learned from the Municipal Commission of Commerce that the 2023 Chongqing 6.18 E-commerce Festival will be held from April 28 to June 28, and 200 million yuan in consumer coupons will be issued during the event.

With the theme of “Integration, Innovation and Digital Empowerment”, this event will connect the 5th Shuangpin Online Shopping Festival and Chongqing 6.18 E-commerce Festival, and hold a series of themed activities such as consumer carnival, linkage with Huishan City, and Shancheng Recommendation Officer.

As the key section of the Chongqing 6.18 E-commerce Festival, this year’s “Aishang Chongqing·Shuangpin Online Shopping Festival” will be held around May 20 and June 18, linking Ali, Douyin, JD.com, Suning, Meituan, and Vipshop. Major e-commerce platforms such as Huihui and Pinduoduo, and many new consumer brands such as Tianyou, Lengsuanling, Lalaiism, Tianfu Cola, etc., give back to consumers through discounts, coupons, and gifts.

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