2023 Carhaix Events Recap: French Cross Championships and More

2023-12-30 07:00:01

Article reserved for subscribers

On Nathalie Com

December 30, 2023 at 8:00 a.m.

What happened in 2023 in Carhaix? Before turning the page for good, we suggest you take a look back and rediscover what marked the year.

On March 12, 2023, thousands of people gathered in Kerampuilh for the French cross championships. At the helm, the volunteers of the ALCP, the organizing club, played their role perfectly, as they would do a few months later, in November, during the Cross Festival. (Le Télégramme/Nicolas Creach)
#Crosscountry #championships #demonstrations #defense #hospital #events #marked #Carhaix



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