The year 2022 has made clear the importance of the presence of the women in the exercise, guardianship, management and promotion of the Transparencythe access to Information and the Personal data protection in Mexico. Just by way of example, we have that almost half of the Plenary Sessions of the local guarantor organizations are made up of fellow commissioners, specifically 44.2%. currently 50 women They work as commissioners in the collegiate bodies of the federative entities and 11 local Institutes are chaired by women, in addition to the National body. In addition, this year the commissioner Luz María Mariscal Cárdenas served as Coordinator of the Guarantor Agencies of the Federative Entities of the National Transparency Systemshowing a leadership from dedication, responsibility and collaborative work. Undoubtedly, these precedents are a reference to the role of women in the exercise of access to information in Mexico and the protection of personal data.
In it National Institute of Transparency We are not far from this trend, in this plenary conformation, of the 5 current members, 3 of them are women. In addition, we must highlight the role of my colleague, Commissioner Julieta del Río Venegas, who coordinates the work with the National Transparency System.
It is important to consider that the gender parityIn other words, the principle of guaranteeing equal participation has been key to enriching the agenda and public debate, to consolidate a new approach to the delivery of justice, to generate comprehensive public policies that consider all social groups, and to promote models of citizen participation that are more open and transparent. Remember that, as established Goal 5 of the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development of the HIMthe gender equality It is not only a fundamental human right, but also one of the foundations for building a more peaceful, prosperous and sustainable environment..
Just as a reference I share that, according to data from UN Women twenty-eight countries are led by women as Heads of State or Heads of Government. In accordance with this international forum, balanced political participation and leadership of the women have shown to be effective in the most divided political environments, as well as in promoting initiatives to defend issues of gender equalityelimination of violence once morest girls, adolescents and womenpaternity leave and the care of minors, pensions and electoral regulations.
The equitable participation, in Liberty y autonomy It is a sign of the consolidation of a democratic political system that listens to the voices of all. Added to this, the leadership of the women It has also meant a great advance in the establishment of a model that opens possibilities for all population groups, since this opening favored equal opportunities and access to the exercise of their rights. Parity is an exercise in justice, pluralism, human rights and gender perspectiveand it has been fundamental for the debate, consensus and implementation of actions to solve the objective inequities and inequalities that various social groups still face.
From the Hennawe celebrate and will continue to promote the equitable participation of women in the National System of Transparency, its local bodies and this National Institute. Well, when we promote an equity scheme, Liberty y autonomy for the women public servants, we contribute to eliminating invisible barriers and glass ceilings that prevent women prepared, talented, brave and determined work and show your ability and willingness to work.
At the end of the year, I recognize the work and the leadership of the women from transparency. My colleagues Julieta and Josefina, the commissioners who preside over the plenary sessions of the guarantor bodies of the federal entities: Mariela Huerta, Myrna Moncada, Rebeca Buenrostro, Paulina Compean, María Treviño, Magda Lozano, Guadalupe Taddei, Maribel Rodríguez, Naldy Rodríguez, María Segovia and Fabiola Torres. Likewise, we recognize all the colleagues who make up the plenary sessions of the transparency of the federal entities. We hope for a year 2023 that continues to consolidate the strengthening of the participation of the women in the public life of our country.
I also take this opportunity to thank the work and shared efforts of the Advisory Council of the Hennathe public servants of this Institute, the civil society organizations that join the construction of the right to know and the protection of personal data, my fellow journalists and the society that approached the Henna to find the answers they needed. We will continue in this next year, with all our dedication and conviction. Similarly, thank those who have read these contributions in La Silla Rota, which seek to bring the work we do in the Henna with citizenship.
Happy Holidays to all of you!