2019 Pilkada Re-vote Becomes Lesson for 2024 Pilkada in Cirebon City

Election security simulation by Cirebon City Police (MI/NURUL HIDAYAH)

THE occurrence of a re-vote (PSU) in the 2019 regional elections is a consideration for the Cirebon City Police in securing this year’s regional elections.

“Currently, we are referring to five years ago when there was a PSU implementation, so we continue to anticipate in vulnerable situations. We continue to prioritize prevention and implementation of mitigation to anticipate the vulnerability of this year’s regional elections,” said Cirebon City Police Chief, Adjunct Senior Commissioner M Rano Hadiyanto, after the Sispamkota simulation of Operation Mantap Praja Sunyaragi 2024 at Cirebon Port, Wednesday (14/8).

Meanwhile, regarding the Sispamkota simulation of Operation Mantap Praja
Sunyaragi 2024, he explained that this activity was in the context of handling
contingencies and mass action in the 2024 simultaneous regional elections in the jurisdiction
Cirebon City Police. The purpose of this activity is to check
readiness, be it personnel, infrastructure, and methods that will be implemented together, especially in the context of securing the 2024 Pilkada.

A number of response scenarios are presented in detail and include:
various situations. Starting from the most conducive to those requiring special handling.

“All of it was carried out by officers in accordance with existing regulations, starting from the negotiator team, the initial Dalmas team, the advanced Dalmas, to being assisted by the Brimob Team. The number of officers involved was 350 personnel,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Acting Mayor of Cirebon, Agus Mulyadi, explained that the City Government
Cirebon appreciates the implementation of the City Security System simulation
(Sispamkota) in the framework of the 2024 Sunyaragi Praja Mantap Operation. “Stages
Pilkada, includes aspects of implementation, supervision, and security. This simulation is an important step to create a safe, peaceful and smooth Pilkada.”

He emphasized the importance of support from all parties, including organizers, supervisors, election participants and candidate pairs’ teams, to prevent unwanted situations from occurring.

#Pilkada #Revote #Lesson #Pilkada #Cirebon #City



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