20,000 Russian soldiers would be abandoned in Kherson: “I almost feel sorry for these fools”

According to Ukrainian officials, Russia is currently carrying out a tactical withdrawal of its troops to escape the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the south of the country. These moves, they said, would leave some 20,000 soldiers isolated on the west bank of the Dnieper River, far from their superiors and the main supply lines.

In a message on Telegram, the governor of Mykolaiv, Vitaliy Kim, said: “I feel almost a little, but not much, for those fools who were abandoned on the right bank. All commanders are moving to the right bank. ‘other shore.’

The important role of the river

Last week, the British Ministry of Defense said in a report that two key bridges providing access to the Russian occupation zone on the west bank of the Dnieper, in Cherson, could no longer be used for military supplies. important.

The report also revealed that the supply of thousands of Russian soldiers depends on two ferry crossings and that this chain is now also more limited.

The Dnieper River is a key element in this war, with Ukrainian forces having destroyed its main bridges and thus Russian supply lines in the occupied Kherson region.

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