200 Francs Initiative Succeeds: Reducing Radio-TV License Fee Sparks Debate

2023-06-23 15:08:22

The popular initiative “200 francs, that’s enough” – which wants to reduce the radio-TV license fee to this sum – has succeeded, according to the initiators. This was stated by National Councilor Thomas Matter (UDC/ZH) on Friday at the PilatusToday portal.

Thomas Matter said they had collected over 100,000 valid signatures. It was easy to convince people of the merits of the request, he noted.


This initiative follows the “No Billag” initiative, which was clearly rejected in March 2018 by 71.6% of voters. The text was launched by the UDC, the Swiss Union of Arts and Crafts (USAM) and the young PLR. It is directed once morest the SSR and demands that the Serafe license fee for radio and television be lowered from 335 to 200 francs per year.

In addition to the reduction in the fee for household appliances, the initiators are asking for the abolition of the fee for businesses. On the other hand, the distribution of the money from the license fee must remain the same for private radio and television channels, according to the text.

A “frontal attack”

An alliance “For Media Diversity” made up of 23 personalities from the worlds of politics, culture, business and civil society has already formed once morest the initiative. She warns of a “frontal attack on media diversity”. Indeed, in a quadrilingual and small Switzerland, the market does not make it possible to finance convincing information and background formats, according to the alliance.

In an interview given earlier this year to Temps, the director general of the SSR Gilles Marchand warned that the acceptance of the initiative would lead to “very significant” job losses. To shoot, the group would be forced to sacrifice one of its two French-speaking sites located in Geneva and Lausanne. And programs, including sports, music and fiction, would be severely limited.

>> See also the topic on the operation of the radio-TV license fee: Didactic capsule: the royalty / Special operations / 2 min. / May 24, 2023


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